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Ortho - international magazine of orthodontics No.1, 2016

| industry report NimrodAligner 38 ortho 1 2016 The arch can gain molar width by pre-setting the molars in a wider position when it comes to making themovementsonour3-Dsystem,andtheconnect- ing bar can act as a spring thanks to its flexibility. The rest of the teeth will continue to be aligned during this process. In more complex cases however whereby a sep- arate expansion appliance is unavoidable, two Nimrod­Alignerswillbeprovided.Thecapswillnotfit ontheteeththatareblockedinotherwise,sotheini- tial­appliancewillcreatespacefortheblockedteeth. Oncetheyhavebeenexposed,thesecondappliance would be provided to sit on all of the teeth. During our research and production stages, we aimedtocreatethe­ultimateorthodonticremovable aligningsystemthatcouldpotentiallybetheanswer totheprayersofdentistsandpatientsalike.Wehave reduced clinical time dramatically by removing the time-consuminghassleoffittingappliancessuchas fixed brackets by providing a bespoke pre-aligned appliance that simply needs to be placed on the teeth. We have taken into consideration the fact that multiple appliances can sometimes be neces- sary to achieve the desired result, and have elimi- nated the need for this by designing the Nimrod­ Aligner in a way that allows the entire arch to move in any direction. In case expansion is also required, we have this incorporated (Fig. 1). We have adapted the force and pressure of the movementtobeeffectiveforjustsixteenhoursaday, allowingthepatientstoremovetheapplianceforan entire eight hour working day if they wish, to grant the roots a suf­ficient amount of time to recover. Bycombiningallofthepositiveaspectsoftheor- thodonticappliancesmentionedabove,theNimrod­ Alignercanbesuitableformostcasesfromstraight- forward to complex._ contact Nimrod Tal is the director of NimroDENTAL Orthodontic Solu­tions in London. He can be contact­ed at Figs.6–9: By combining all of the positive aspects of different orthodontic appliances,the NimrodAligner can be suitable for most cases from straightforward to complex. Fig.6 Fig.8 Fig.7 Fig.9 12016

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