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Implant Tribune U.S. Edition

april 2016 — Vol. 11, No. 4 IMPLANT TRIBUNE The World’s Dental Implant Newspaper · U.S. Edition By Javier de Pison, Dental Tribune D ental Tribune interviewed Dr. Paresh B. Patel, one of the featured speakers at the ICOI Winter Implant Symposium, which took place Feb. 12-14, at the Trump National Doral in Miami. A clinical instructor at the Recon- structive Dentistry Institute, Patel has published numerous articles in leading dental journals, is a lecturer and clini- cal consultant on dental implants and prosthetics for various companies, and maintains private practices in Lenoir and Mooresville, N.C. Patel’s lecture at the ICOI Winter Im- plant Symposium focused on “Full-Arch Implant Solutions: Overdentures or Fixed Monolithic Zirconia,” a topic that attracted a large audience. Scientific di- rector for the ICOI Winter Symposium was Dr. Scott Ganz. Patel explained a new approach for the edentulous maxilla, where it can be a challenge to create the space needed for a fixed full-arch implant prosthesis. “Typically, we take a titanium-wrapped acrylic bar, which would require any- where from 15 to 20 mm of prosthetic space,” Patel said. “Now, with this new product from Glidewell Laboratories, the full-arch BruxZir bridge, we can reduce the required space to about 10 mm. Plus it doesn’t break, doesn’t chip, doesn’t stain and has pink and white esthetics built into the prosthesis, rather than be- ing stacked on top of it.” The BruxZir® Solid Zirconia Full-Arch Implant Prosthesis is a fixed, all-ceramic implant solution for edentulous patients who need a stable and esthetic replace- ment for removable prostheses. The result of this new Glidewell prod- uct, Patel said, “is we don’t have to worry about the prosthetic teeth or pink gingi- val areas breaking off or changing color over time.” This restoration, made from 100 per- cent solid zirconia, offers exceptional resistance to fractures, chips and stains while improving chewing and speech function. Further, its restorative proce- dure is nearly identical to that of a regu- lar screw-retained hybrid denture. “We’ve been doing full-arch bridges for about two years now, and about a year Dr. Ara Nazarian of the Reconstruction Dentistry Institute, left, and Dr. Paresh Patel at the ICOI Winter Implant Symposium in Miami. Photos/Javier de Pison, Dental Tribune Implant solution: Full-arch fixed monolithic zirconia Dr. Patel explains how at the ICOI Winter Implant Symposium with solid zirconia restorations,” Patel said. “It has really improved our prac- tice because now we don’t have to worry about any sort of breakage or staining of the acrylic teeth or non-esthetic screw holes when the composite and the acryl- ic don’t blend together well.” The full-arch BruxZir solution in- cludes a provisional CAD/CAM implant prosthesis, which works as a temporary denture and allows for patient evalua- tion of the definitive prosthesis before the final restoration is fabricated. “Patients like the concept that the acrylic is not going to stain over the course of time,” he said. “They also like that they have some- thing that is not as fragile as acrylic, as it’s made of zirconia, so you know noth- ing is going to break, and on top of that, you get a seven-year guarantee on the prosthesis as well.” Glidewell is so convinced of the ef- ficacy of the BruxZir Full-Arch Implant Prosthesis that, on its website, it offers a step-by-step clinical protocol that can be done in as little as five patient visits. In addition, Patel said in his North Carolina practices he uses the Hahn Ta- pered Implant System, which has a coni- cal prosthetic connection. He described the implant as “a premium product that doesn’t come at a premium price.” “It has a very pronounced thread and a nice surface, as well as a 1-mm machined collar at the neck of the implant, which has been shown over the course of time to be very friendly to the gum tissue, whether the platform is positioned equa- crestally or subcrestally,” Patel said. “We find that bone will grow over the top of that and will stay very happy. So, if we have tissue discrepancy supralingually, we know that the machined collar works best against bone, and works against the soft tissue as well.” He added that he is very happy with Glidewell’s products, as they are fairly priced, and he appreciates that the com- pany offers implants and prosthetic so- lutions and is continually innovating and bringing new products to the mar- ket. Resources • Dr. Patel: • Glidewell:; www. Dr. Patel with the Glidewell team at its booth at the ICOI Winter Implant Symposium.

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