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Ortho Tribune U.S. Edition No.1, 2016

education Ortho Tribune U.S. Edition | AAO PREVIEW 201622 AD Now’s the time for excellence The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies has been teaching clinical excellence and communication and business systems for years. Photo/Sierra Rendon, Managing Editor By Mark Duncan, DDS, LVIF, FAGD, FICCMO A nother one of those days. All morning long you were struggling to keep on track with the schedule. Your team is frustrated because they haven’t had their full lunch hour more than one day a week in as long as they can remember. You walked by the sterilization room 15 minutes ago, and it sure sounded like they were complain- ing to each other because you said to work in that emergency and they were trying to figure out how to pick up their child at daycare on time. Again. You want them to enjoy working here, but you have to be able to pay the bills. And your best assistant asked you again if she can have that raise you have been promising her. Don’t they understand?! It feels like half of your patients are crankier than you are, and your team isn’t really talking to you today, and when you get home all you want to do is go to sleep and wake up on Saturday – except it’s still Tuesday! It doesn’t make sense. You have taken C.E. courses every time they come to town. The new in- surance plan was supposed to make things easier. You bought a bunch of new equipment to save money on taxes — of course, now you have to pay for it every month — but why does it seem like the harder you work the further behind you get?! There has to be a simple reason. Well, it turns out there actually is — and it’s something you learned when you were about 5. Do unto oth- ers. More specifically, build systems in your office so that you can treat your patients the way you would want to be treated — comprehensive- ly and with exceptional information to make good decisions — and with a system that produces a consistent experience time after time. While doing that, add exceptional care — esthetic excellence like you see in the journals. But how? Well, the answer happens to be the foundation that LVI was built upon: building excellence in a patient-cen- tered practice. The programs at LVI have been teaching clinical excellence and com- munication and business systems for almost 20 years to help clinicians to do a better job of not only seeing the patient but, more importantly, con- necting with them. Two decades of not only communication but com- prehensive diagnosis and clinical excellence. As a result, the doctors at LVI have a statistically higher profes- sional satisfaction and income. Isn’t it time you go find out what they are doing differently? Yes. Yes, it is. And congratulations on the jour- ney you are about to start. For more information For more information on the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, visit

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