09Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition | 3/2016 TRENDS&APPLICATIONS Dentistry is among the most re- warding professions and has a much broader scope of practice than ever before.Young dental pro- fessionals who have finished their studiesandreceivedtheirdiplomas will have to individually decide on theircareerpathways.Thischoiceis both exciting and difficult,as there are numerous options and oppor- tunities to consider. The transition from dental stu- dent to young working dental pro- fessional requires extensive ad- justment. At university, students are told how to work, what to learn and what goals they need to fulfil. During practical work on patients, they are supervised by experi- enced dentists. As a working professional, it is now up to each individual to assess patients on his or her own and to judge their needs and treat them accordingly. It is not just dental skills that are put to the test, how- ever, as there are also other im- portantskillsthataworkingprofes- sional will need to have. These may be skills that are not taught at den- tal school, such as communicating withthepatient,co-workersandas- sistants,aswellasfinancialaspects and legal issues in the dental clinic. Actingcorrectlyandappropriatelyis asubstantialchallenge,andmaybe overwhelming for some individuals. Beingawareofthoserequirements is the first step to a successful tran- sition. Every graduate dental student has to decide where and how to embark on their professional ca- reers. The majority of young den- tal professionals lay the foun- dation of their careers in private or public dental clinics, but some alsoremainatuniversitytoengage in research or teaching careers. Whichever way is chosen at this stage,itdoesnotneedtobethefinal decision.Pathscanbechangedand new ones explored, but the deci- sion should be thought through, astheinitialyearsinanyprofession form and influence one’s future career path. Working in a dental office out- side of university provides multi- ple options and opportunities. Dental practices come in every size and shape. There are small clinics and very large practices. Some have a specialisation or orientation; others are general dentistry practices. Each model has, for every individual, certain advantages and disadvantages, depending on one’s expectations and goals. A larger clinic, with moredentists,usuallygivesevery- one more flexibility in relation to working hours and vacation plan- ning, as well as in case of illness. Smallerteamscanhavetheadvan- tage of being forced to take more responsibility, from which great knowledge can be gained in living theconceptof“learningbydoing”. Working in a clinic that has a certain specialisation will help a young graduate if he or she wishes to specialise in the same field, as knowledge can be gained during the daily workflow and, in combination with a postgraduate course, it can make the perfect choice. Choosing the right clinic canbechallengingandsometimes the best choice is to go with one’s intuition. Career opportunities and work–life balance in dentistry By Dr Christine Bellmann Discover more about Cerezen or make an appointment to become a Prescriber. 0800 048 8446 cerezen.eu/prescribers World-class technology, bespoke for every patient. Cerezen is an innovative, custom-made in-ear device that relieves the pain and symptoms of TMJD, bruxism and other cranio-muscular conditions. As well as significant efficacy in reducing a patient’s pain, Cerezen is non-invasive, comfortable and discreet enabling it to be worn day and night improving compliance. It is easy to integrate Cerezen into your practice workflow and start helping your patients relieve their pain and symptoms through the innovation of Cerezen inserts. DISCOVER MORE ABOUT CEREZEN at the Dentistry Show 23 April. See us at stand K62. AD DTUK0316_09-10_Bellmann 12.04.16 12:06 Seite 1 08000488446 cerezen.eu/prescribers DTUK0316_09-10_Bellmann 12.04.1612:06 Seite 1