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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition No. 3, 2016

Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition | 3/201604 UK NEWS MANCHESTER, UK: Many dentists find it difficult to communicate the right treatment options to patients, who through false or incomplete information on the Internet present to practices with unrealisticexpectations.Whilethe majority of patient communica- tion training programmes avail- able today often focus on one or more fixed strategies at a time, thereareotherconceptsthataimto make this process more natural and less stressful for the dentists. One of them is Primespeak, an im- portfromoneofAustralia’sleading practice management companies, whichiscurrentlymakingitslarge- scale debut in the UK. First introduced to the market herebySydney-basedPrimePractice threeyearsago,theseminarseriesis nowonanextendedroadtourinthe UK, stopping in cities like London, Birmingham, Bristol and Belfast, throughout the year and is made possiblethroughapartnershipwith Henry Schein company Software of Excellence. The series was recently launchedatapremiereventinMan- chester with 40 participants, where DentalTribunehadtheopportunity to speak with some of the pro- gramme’sdirectorsandtrainers. According to Prime Practice Gen- eral Manager of Education and TrainingPatricMoberger,oneofthe key objectives of the programme is to help patients take responsibility for their own teeth and to under- stand the damaging consequences of not looking after them. In order toachievethis,theprogrammepro- vides a number of tools and strate- gies that, when applied at the right time and in the right combination, canhelpdentistsgainpatients’com- pliancewithtreatment,particularly those who do not truly understand theoptionsbeforethem. “Primespeak is applied at its op- timum for patients who think that nothing is wrong because there is nopaininvolved.Itisquitelikehigh cholesterol: you do not feel the consequences until it is too late,” Moberger explained. “By stepping away, we let the patient come to you ask for a solution instead of recommending something they maynotunderstandandthuswant to get involved in.” “Normally in sales you move to- wards the patient with a solution. All the tools that we are using with Primespeak however are counter- intuitive to sales training. The role that the dentists and the team have here is to make the patient understand that things are going on in their mouth and that they offer the right solutions for them,” he added. Feedbackfromdentistswhopar- ticipated in Primespeak seminars held in Australia and the US, where theserieshasbeenavailabletoden- tal professionals for many years, has been very positive and encour- aged the company, together with word of mouth, to bring the con- cept to the UK. In addition to the live seminars, it offers master classes, private consultations with a trainer and a library of online training videos. Seminars for den- tal assistants and front-end staff are under consideration. Partici- pantsattheseminarinManchester responded positively to the pro- gramme. “If a dental professional is look- ing to build trust quickly with pa- tients, save time and gain greater acceptance of treatment, that per- son should come to a Primespeak Seminar. Time very well spent,” commented a dentist from Hull. Another participant from Glas- gow said: “I cannot recommend this course enough. It will remove thepressurewheninteractingwith patientsandiskeytoavoidingsales pitching perception.” Primespeak is holding its next seminar in June in Birmingham. Dentists or dental staff interested in registering for the programme can obtain more information at A new global language for dental professionals Primespeak launches patient communication series in the UK SIGN UP NOW! JOIN BY QR STUDY CLUB NEWSLETTER EDUCATION DENTAL TRIBUNE NEWSLETTER DIGITAL MEDIA DENTAL TRIBUNE NEWSPAPER PRINT MEDIA AD Participants of Primespeak’s take-off seminar in Manchester. Patrick Moberger DTUK0316_04_Primespeak 12.04.16 12:03 Seite 1 DTUK0316_04_Primespeak 12.04.1612:03 Seite 1

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