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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition No. 3, 2016

Birmingham was ranked as having the highest quality of life of any UK city outside of London in 2013. In 51st place in the world rankings the city was ahead of Glasgow (54th), Aberdeen (56th) and Belfast (63rd). Source: Mercer Quality of Life Index In 2013 Birmingham had the highest proportion of pupils achieving at least 5 GCSEs at grades A*-C including English and Maths of all the English core cities. Birmingham also had the highest proportion of local authority run schools receiving an ‘outstanding’ OFSTED inspection rating. Sources: Department for Education, OFSTED In 2013 5,480 people relocated from London to Birmingham, well ahead of its nearest rivals, suggesting that affordable housing, good quality of life and relative proximity to London are all making Birmingham a particularly attractive proposition. Source: ONS Internal Migration Statistics In 2014 Birmingham was the most popular conference and event destination in the UK outside London. Source: British Meetings & Events Industry Survey 2014/15 Between 2003 and 2013 Birmingham’s population increased by nearly 96,000 – well ahead of its nearest rival. Birmingham is also the youngest major city in Europe and has seen the fastest growth in numbers of under 25’s of any UK city outside London. Source: ONS population mid year estimates @ b u s i n e s s _ b h a m @ v i s i t _ b h a m @ M e e t B i r m i n g h a m w w w . m a r k e t i n g b i r m i n g h a m . c o m In 20135,480 people relocated from London to Birmingham, well ahead of its

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