Between 2012 and 2013 (latest available data) Birmingham’s workplace based Gross Value Added grew by 6% - more than double the UK rate of 1.6%. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) GVA data 77 foreign direct investment (FDI) projects were attracted to the Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP (GBSLEP) area in 2014 – up by 57% on 2013 and the highest of all the LEP areas. The area also created the most jobs – a total of 4,841 - a 98% increase on the previous year. Source: UKTI 18,337 new businesses were registered in Birmingham during 2014 – an increase of over 2,000 on the previous year, and more than any other city outside the capital. Source: StartUp Britain analysis of Companies House data At £21 billion to date in 2014 (Jan-Sept) exports from the West Midlands have been the second highest in the country behind only the South East – and higher than London. In 2013 the West Midlands reduced its balance of trade deficit by nearly £6 billion, the biggest reduction of any region. Source: HM Revenue & Customs Trade data, 2012/13 Between 2012 and 2013 Birmingham saw an increase of nearly 230,000 (32%) in the number of international visits – the strongest growth in the country in absolute terms and more than all other core cities put together. Source: ONS International Passenger Survey @ b u s i n e s s _ b h a m @ v i s i t _ b h a m @ M e e t B i r m i n g h a m w w w . m a r k e t i n g b i r m i n g h a m . c o m