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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition No. 3, 2016

SHOWTRIBUNE The World’s Event Newspaper · United Kingdom Edition Published in London Vol. 10, No. 3 By DTI BIRMINGHAM, UK: The National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham is preparing for the next Dentistry Show and Dental Technology Showcase. Distinguished dentistry lecturers Dr Didier Dietschi and Louis Mackenzie are just two of the confirmed speakers at the up- comingeditiontobeheldon22and 23 April next year. The show will again see a wealth of continuing professional devel- opment (CPD) opportunities dur- ing an extensive two-day lecture programme. In addition to the AestheticDentistTheatre,therewill be sessions specially tailored to all membersofthedentalteamandall specialties, including endodontics, periodontology and facial aesthet- ics. Moreover, the Short-Term OrthodonticsLoungewillbring professionals up to speed with GDPorthodonticsandthewide range of appliances that are availabletopractitionerstoday. More than 7,000 visitors are expected again for the show, which will see over 400 man- ufacturers and distributors of dental equipment exhibiting their latest product develop- ments and solutions in the field. Following its successful relaunch at last year’s edition, Dental Tribune will once again showcase its extended port- folio of publications at Booth M100. Interview, photos and daily news from the show floor are also available online at the Dental Tribune UK & Ireland website ( and Facebook page. With over 100 laboratory-ded- icated exhibitors at the Dental Technology Showcase, ex- perts will further demon- strate first hand the appli- cation of leading materials and advancements in den- tal technology. In addition, more than 30 hours of ver- ifiable CPD will be on offer (with 14 hours of vCPD available), and highly pop- ularfeatureswillbereturn- ing from the 2015 show, including the CAD/CAM Theatre. Professionals interested in attending the events can register in advance on the official website (www. Information about the programme and exhibition is also available there. WealthofofferingsatDTS,DentistryShow Largest display of dental innovation and education for UK dental professionals at the NEC in April Adentatec GmbH Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 13 50996 Koeln-GERMANY Phone + 49 2 21 - 35 96 - 100 Fax + 49 2 21 - 35 96 - 170 • Non-precious dental alloys on nickel-chrome base System KN and System NH • Non-precious dental alloys on cobalt-chrome base System NE and System Duro • Partial alloy System MG • CAD/CAM discs on cobalt-chrome base System NE-Blank and System Soft-Blank • CAD/CAM disc on titanium base System Ti5-Blank • Investment for crowns and bridges ADENTA-VEST CB • Investment for partial denture ADENTA-VEST PA booth no. 230 AD Photo from 2015.This year’s edition is scheduled to take place from 22–23 April. DTUK0316_17-18_ST 12.04.16 12:08 Seite 1 Phone + 49221 - 3596 - 100 Fax + 49221 - 3596 - 170 DTUK0316_17-18_ST 12.04.1612:08 Seite 1

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