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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition No. 3, 2016

Purpose of specialisation Many young dentists want to specialise in one of the many fields of dentistry. Once the decision has been made on the area in which to specialise, they should take their time to work out what is the right path of specialisation for them. What is their goal after speciali- sation? What is the specialisation to be used for: to work in a private dental clinic or establish their own clinic; or to enter into research and education at a university? And what is the goal for the practice? There are many programmes on the market, and it is not always the best decision to choose the most expensive, most time-consuming one or the one that is the furthest away from home. Since there are courses and post- graduate education programmes all around the world, many young dentistsleavetheirhomecountries to gain experience and specialisa- tionabroad.Thatcanbeanamazing experienceandmuchcanbegained from it. However, it is not the right choice for everyone, as it can hold more challenges and risks than might initially be expected. Study- ing or working abroad needs to be thought through and well planned, otherwise it can very easily end in a major disappointment. At first, working abroad may seem to be a great opportunity and exciting, and it certainly can be, but it may not turn out that way. An accurate assessment of the goals and the de- siredoutcomeofalifeinadifferent country needs to be conducted. Others may decide to open their own dental clinic or take over an existing one. Running one’s own business is a great opportunity to workinacomfortableworkenviron- mentbecauseitisself-created.Align- ing a dental office to individual ex- pectations and having a financially successful and well-run clinic can be challenging.Likeanyotherbusiness, strategies and standard operating procedures in various fields need to be established. It is not only the clin- ical abilities of the dentist that are important. Equally important are economicfactors,suchasanalysisof thelocalconditions,humanresource management, marketing strategies andlegalguidelines. With so many exciting opportu- nities in the dental field and the numerous options for how and wheretowork,itiseasytolosetrack of other important things in life. Time with family and friends or timeforleisureactivitiesisveryim- portant. Finding a healthy balance between fulfilling career goals and having rewarding downtime is the key to a happy and healthy life. It makes sense to take the time to reflect on the past and think about futureexpectationsoflifeand,per- haps,writethosedowntokeepthem in mind. During these decision- makingprocesses,ofallthepossible choices that have to be made, the most important factor that should be considered is one’s private life and what one wants in life. Dr Christine Bellmann is the Director of Dental Gateway,a global dental consulting agency. She can be contacted at bellmann@dental- AD Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition | 3/2016 DTUK0316_09-10_Bellmann 12.04.16 12:06 Seite 2 DTUK0316_09-10_Bellmann 12.04.1612:06 Seite 2

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