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laser - international magazine of laser dentistry No. 1, 2016

practice management | 5. Offer Be ready to give them a complimentary treat- ment to show your apologies once more, they will really love that. Avoid phrases like “I will give you a free treatment”, instead explain to them that ’this treatment is a gift from us’. You can combine two treatments without charging the second one. In this way, you will raise the value of the treatment for your patients. At the same time, explain the separate cost of each treat- ment and the benefits you just gave to your ­ patients without mentioning the word free. For example, “I will now do a dental cleaning and in addition we will do a polishing session with the new air flow machine that would cost 50 Euros. You will like the results much more than the ones from the simple dental cleaning, your teeth will shine more and the stains between your teeth will disappear completely.” Now let’s go to the sixth tip, which is as essential as the previous one and concerns how we can deal with conflicts. Unfortunately, there are times that we have to face problematic patients or unpleasant situations with our employees or our associates. How can we face these conditions? Apply PEC to successfully deal with them. PEC stands for: 1. Perception Name it! Behave as an adult and get rid of fear and just say the problem. Think what the worst scenario is. By making this risk management process, you immediately acknowledge the fact that you could face it as well. Be ready to listen to the other party, ask them about their opinion, maybe their perception is completely different from yours. 2. Emotions Deal with them and then start the conversation. You should not start a discussion in case you still feel angry about the person or the issue. Be well prepared and avoid to take anything personally. Be ready to express your feelings, you might be surprised with the other party’s unawareness of the problem. Remember to show your empathy with phrases like “I understand you”, instead of “You are right”. It is a pity to miss the wood for the trees! [Pictur: ©Sergey Nivens] 37 1 2016 laser 12016

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