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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry, Italian Edition, No.1, 2016

case report _ implant restorations inated. After the injection programme was complete, the flask halves were opened, and the denture divested from the stone core and processed with milling and polishing instruments. In order to create a tooth re- placement that closely met the expectations of the patient, we decided to customise the visible areas of the denture by applying ad- ditional material (SR Nexco). To this end, the vestibular surfaces of the anterior teeth and the corresponding pink parts were sand-blasted. SR Connect (Ivoclar Vivadent) was applied and the teeth and pros- thetic gingiva were characterised with SR Nex- co. The shape was adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the patient. Final polishing was carried out with biaxial brushes and pads. The result proved very lifelike (Figs. 12-15). Cristian Petri is working as a dental technician at Artchrys Dental Laboratory in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He can be contacted at _contact _Conclusion Many patients are reluctant to be giv- en removable dentures. If dentures are op- timised by adding the stability of implants and the effectiveness of telescopes, dental professionals will be able to help patients overcome their reservations and offer them a tooth replacement that provides the level of comfort they expect. Completely edentulous patients have the same high aesthetic expec- tations as patients requiring fixed restora- tions. However, some of these requirements are more difficult to satisfy in the edentulous patient, because we have to replace soft tis- sue in addition to missing teeth. In order to achieve this, we need to find a way to create harmony between the pink and white aspects of the denture. Today’s patients tend to be well-informed. They have ever higher expectations of the aesthetic and functional aspects of tooth replacements. Therefore, we need to be well trained and know which materials and technologies can aid our work and increase our efficiency. This will enable us to solve any clinical case, re- gardless of its difficulty. TECNICHE OPERATIVE STEP BY STEP, APPLICAZIONI, PROTOCOLLI E CASI CLINICI CON FOLLOW-UP IL LASER A DIODO MARISA RONCATI ACQUISTA ORA! 80,00 €+ iva DVD NUOVA EDIZIONE ITALIANA! COME ACQUISTARE• TUEOR SERVIZI Srl • Via Guidobono, 13 • 10137 Torino (ITALY) • Tel. 011 3110675 • • DURATA: 47 minuti circa Il laser è uno strumento che non si sostituisce alle metodiche tradizionali, ma può offrire benefici aggiuntivi, significativi, se utilizzato secondo protocolli e parametri adeguati, soprattutto se associato ad una strumentazione parodontale non chirurgica, manuale e ad ultrasuoni, sempre sito-specifica. Tre casi clinici, risolti con trattamento parodontale non chirurgico vengono dettagliatamente illustrati, anche con video di follow-up, da 1 a 7 anni. Il Lased a Diodo presenta anche indicazioni, in caso di mucosite e perimplantite. Tre casi clinici descrivono le strategie di trattamento, sempre con video di follow-up, a 1, 7 e 23 anni. Nel DVD si spiegano, in maniera particolareggiata, tecniche STEP by STEP, protocolli clinici e strumenti, relativi al trattamento Laser assistito, al fine di ottenere la stabilità clinica dei casi trattati. Si descrive l’utilizzo del Laser a Diodo, in caso di afta ulcerosa e di herper labialis. Infine si presenta la metodica di sbiancamento dei denti vitali, mediante Laser a Diodo. • NUOVI CONTENUTI • CASI CLINICI E VIDEO AGGIORNATI • ANIMAZIONI E DISEGNI AGGIUNTIVI COME ACQUISTARE• TUEOR SERVIZI Srl • Via Guidobono, 13 • 10137 Torino (ITALY) • Tel. 0113110675 • •
