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today IDEM Singapore 2016 Show Preview

science & practice22 IDEM Singapore 2016 Show Preview Behavioural problems in the dental clinic can manifest as cry- ing, screaming, tantrums, refusal to open mouth, delaying tactics like coughing, vomiting, or ex- treme talkativeness. How can paediatric dentists gain more behavioural knowledge about the child patient prior to any relevant treatment? The training in dental schools provides a good basis in informa- tion gathering, such as taking a good medical and dental history. Listening to parents, for instance, what the child likes or dislikes about going to dentist, as well as knowledge of previous dental vis- its and what happened there can also serve as a guide for dentists. Paediatric dentists develop an un- derstanding of the child’s person- ality whether he or she is intro- verted, shy, outgoing, or adventur- ous. In addition, assessing the dy- namics between parent and child, givesasenseoftheparentingstyle and the likelihood of which treat- mentmodalityisacceptabletopar- ents, as well as what management techniqueislikelytosucceedwith a particular child. What can paediatric dentists do to safeguard the interest of children with anomalous behavioural pat- terns during care? Some questions to ask oneself would be; Can I do fairly good den- tistrywiththislevelofbehaviour? If not, am I able to control or min- imise the disruption so that I can still provide an acceptable stan- dard of dentistry? Can I still do the job safely? How traumatic is thiswholeprocesstothechildand parent and will I jeopardize future co-operation? Is this a one-off pro- cedure which does not have to be repeated and hence have a likeli- hood of the child forgetting any trauma that is associated with it? What strategies can the dental team employ to ensure positive behaviour in children? There is no way to ensure posi- tive behaviour. People who say thereishavenotworkedwithchil- drenenough.Youcanloadthedice in your favour by being friendly, non-threatening,andshowinggen- uine care to the child. You can also schedule appointments which do not conflict with nap times when children can get crotchety. Fur- thermore, you can draw bound- aries for acceptable behaviour, and you can enlist the parent in the strategies you will employ. Parents are a much underutilised resource, but when trained appro- priately, they can be great allies. Theyserveasrolemodelsandthey are the ones who will ultimately trust you with their child. How common is the usage of re- straints? In our unit, we do not use re- straints like papoose boards, or devices to strap children down. Restraintisusuallydonebyparents, who help in holding the child. In America, paediatric dentists take consentforrestraint,andshowthe devices they use to restrain chil- dren so that parents have a good idea of what they are consenting for. Restraint should be use cau- tiouslyasitcanbetakenasassault and liable to prosecution. In UK and Australia, restraint devices areseldomusedbypaediatricden- tists and many schools do not teach this anymore. Thank you very much for the interview. 7 1 Correa-Faria P. et al. Developmental defects of enamel in primary teeth, prevalence and associated factors. International Journal of Paediatric Dent. 2013 May;23(3):173–9. 2 Tan KB1, Tan KH, Yeo GS. Cleft de- formities in Singapore: a population- based series 1993-2002. Singapore Med J. 2008 Sep;49(9):710–4. INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC CONGRESS FEATURING THE LEADING WORLD SPECIALISTS IN ENDODONTIC The event will take place wkvjkp"vjg"ろpvgtpcvkqpcn"Fgpvcn"Gzjkdkvkqp"Fgpvcn/Ucnqp"4238"yjkej"yknn"cnnqy"vjg"cvvgpfggu"vq"eqodkpg"vjg"rctvkekrcvkqp"kp"c"uekgpvk e"gxgpv" with visiting the exhibition booths. Within the ENDOPOINT congress program there will be organized practical hands-on courses (pre-congress Crtkn"3:"cpf"rquv/eqpitguu""*Crtkn"43+0"Cp"q ekcn"igv/vqigvjgt"enqukpi"rctv{"qh"vjg"eqpitguu"*Crtkn"42."hqnnqykpi"vjg"ugeqpf"fc{"qh"vjg"uekgpvk e"rtqitco+0" Vjg"rctv{"ku"dgkpi"qticpk|gf"kp"qpg"qh"vjg"oquv"rqrwnct"cpf"oqfgtp"tguvcwtcpv/dctu"qh"Oqueqy" Dcemuvcig "*Etqewu"Ekv{"Jcnn+0" Gpfqrqkpv"rtqlgev"eqookvgg"ku"jcrr{"vq"qやgt"qrvkqpcn"gzewtukqpu"vq"xkukv"vjg"oquv"gzekvkpi"rncegu"qh"Oqueqy/ekv{#" Irina Makeeva Rtqh."OF Oqueqy"Ogfkecn"Wpkxgtukv{ Pio Bertani OF."FFU"*ろvcn{+ Rtgukfgpv"qh"UろG Elio Berutti OF."FFU"*ろvcn{+ Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Vwtkp John Meechan DFU."RjF"*Gpincpf+ Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Pgyecuvng Arnaldo Castellucci OF."FFU"*ろvcn{+ Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Hnqtgpeg Damiano Pasqualini OF."FFU"*ろvcn{+ Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Vwtkp Elisabetta Cotti FFU."OU"*ろvcn{+ Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Ecinkctk Aviad Tamse FOF."HろEF"*ろutcgn+ Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Vgn/Cxkx Vittorio Franco OF."FFU"*ろvcn{+ Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Tqog Silvio Taschieri OF."FFU"*ろvcn{+ Wpkxgtukv{"qh"Okncp INTERNATIONAL REGISTER ON ENDODONTIC CONGRESS APRIL 18-21, MOSCOW Organizers Uekgpvk e"Rctvpgtu Information Support Vtkdwpg"Itqwr"IodJ"ku"cp"CFC"EGTR"Tgeqipk|gf"Rtqxkfgt0"CFC(pdur=EGTR"ku"c"ugtxkeg"qh"vjg"Cogtkecp"Fgpvcn"Cuuqekcvkqp"vq"cuukuv"fgpvcn"rtqhguukqpcnu""kp" kfgpvkh{kpi"swcnkv{"rtqxkfgtu"qh"eqpvkpwkpi"fgpvcn"gfwecvkqp0""CFC(pdur=EGTR"fqgu"pqv"crrtqxg"qt"gpfqtug"kpfkxkfwcn"eqwtugu"qt"kpuvtwevqtu." pqt"fqgu"kv"korn{"ceegrvcpeg"qh"etgfkv"jqwtu"d{"dqctfu"qh"fgpvkuvt{0""Vtkdwpg"Itqwr"IodJ"ku"fgukipcvgf"cu"cp"Crrtqxgf"RCEG" Rtqitco"Rtqxkfgt"d{"vjg"Cecfgo{"qh"Igpgtcn"Fgpvkuvt{0"Vjg"hqtocn"eqpvkpwkpi"fgpvcn"gfwecvkqp"rtqitcou"qh""vjku" rtqitco"rtqxkfgt"ctg"ceegrvgf"d{"CIF"hqt"Hgnnqyujkr."Ocuvgtujkr"cpf"ogodgtujkr"ockpvgpcpeg" etgfkv0"Crrtqxcn"fqgu"pqv"korn{"ceegrvcpeg"d{"c"uvcvg"qt"rtqxkpeg"dqctf"qh"fgpvkuvt{"qt" CIF"gfqtuogpv0"Vjg"ewttgpv"vgto"qh"crrtqxcn"gzvgpfu"htqo"91314236"vq" 8152142380"Rtqxkfgt"ろF%"5772730 AD “Parents do not notice enamel defects unless they are very obvious.”

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