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roots - international magazine of endodontology No. 1, 2016

06 roots1 2016 | practice management TC role Treatment coordinator: The bridge to case acceptance Author: Lina Craven, UK You might think that in financially challenging times the last thing you need is a new member of staff. For a practice to thrive and prosper in a dif- ficult financial climate, however, it has to become more efficient, more competitive and more profit- able.Onewaytodothatistointroduceatreatment coordinator(TC)intotheteamorifyoualreadyhave one then to offer appropriate training. This is a rel- atively new role to the European market, but in the US, where the role is a central part of any practice, it has proven to dramatically add value to the pa- tient experience, reduce in chair time and increase case acceptance. The introduction of a well-trained TC will change your entire approach to new patient care, as well as increase profitability. While many practices know how to attract patients, their case acceptance ratio is low. The first contact, first visit and follow-up are the most important elements of the new patient process, yet they frequently represent a wasted opportunity because of a lack of skill, focus, time or all three. In my experience, a major downfall of practices is theunwillingnessofpractitionerstodelegatethenew patient process to staff, or what we call the TC role. This is often due to a wide range of factors, including the practitioner’s perception that the patient wants communicationonhisorhertreatmenttocomefrom the practitioner, the perception that patients pay to see the practitioner, a lack of trust to empower staff ortimetotrainstaff,andthefinancialimplicationsof introducing the new role. Relinquishing new patient management to well- trained staff is not a new trend, although its applica- tion has been limited in Europe. However, patients’ expectations, competition for private work and the team’s demand for career progression and job satis- faction are key drivers for introducing the TC role. ©DusanPetkovic/Shutterstock

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