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roots - international magazine of endodontology No. 1, 2016

| case report importance of diagnosis 34 roots1 2016 “Find it, fix it, and leave it alone”1 Author: Prof. Philippe Sleiman, Lebanon This three-part principle, though originating in the field of osteopathy, can find great application in modernendodontics,wherewedealwithroutineroot canal treatment, as well as with cases in which a pa- tientisinacompromisedstateofhealthforwhichthe solution may be a routine root canal treatment, and anything more than that would be overtreatment. Initially, we need to find the problem, by analysing the clinical situation and identifying what is going wrong. This task is truly difficult. Making the correct diagnosis based on: ·· thepatient’saccount;here,weneedtolistentoour patient, to learn about his or her local problem, where it is located and what triggers it Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4

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