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cosmetic dentistry_beauty & science No. 1, 2016

| opinion significance of teeth 32 cosmetic dentistry 1 2016 What do our teeth betray about us?—Part II Author: Dr Stanislav Cícha, Czech Republic In the first part of this article series, I described the significance of individual teeth in terms of emotional and health status, considering specifi- cally the canines. In the second part, I will focus on the premolars and molars. The first premolars represent our desires and our own self, simply described with the words “I want” (Fig. 1). The max- illaryrightfirstpremolarreflectshowwewouldlike toappearontheoutsideandtheleftonerepresents our emotional desires. The maxillary first premolars are among the most frequently treated teeth, with interventions ranging from fillings to endodontic treatment, crowns and extractions (Fig. 2). This does not come as a surprise, since every day we are confronted with notions perpetuated by the media regarding how we should look and what we should buy to reach this ideal. Instead of fulfilling our true emotional desires, we are urged to follow the crowd. The mandibular right first premolar reflects the ability to realise our goals and the left premolar showsourabilitytoconveyourfeelingsandwishes in our environment. With the first premolars, there arises the question of orthodontic extractions. The author of the book Quand les dents se mettent à parler (When the teeth talk), Dr Michèle Caffin, mentionsthatextractionsoffirstpremolarsweaken the sense of self, and children with extracted pre- molars tend to submit easily to authority figures despite not wanting to do so. I cannot confirm nor refute this, as I have only had a few patients who haveundergonethistreatmentandwasnotableto observe them over a longer period. Thesecondpremolarscanbecharacterisedbythe sentence“Iwanttocreate”ortheterm“ourcreative FIRST PREMOLARS How would we like to display ourselves on the outside Realization of our plans Expressing of our wishes to the nearest surroundings our ego, our desires Our desires in the emotional area Fig. 1 Fig. 2 SECOND PREMOLARS Our development in the outer world, our plans, children our creative ego, our children, our hobbies Our natural talents, karma Realization of our plans, particularly in our profession Utilization of hereditary mother´s energy Fig. 3 dentistry 12016

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