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cosmetic dentistry_beauty & science No. 1, 2016

| case report smile design & CAD/CAM 18 cosmetic dentistry 1 2016 I case report _ smile design & CAD/CAM intraoral scanner (Figs. 10 & 11). Both the upper and lower arches were scanned and the digital im- pressions were immediately available for wax-up designing. The smile design silhouette was exported from the smile design software to the CAD software for wax-up designing (Fig. 12). The silhouette was ad- justed on top of the digital impression and used as a guideline for creating veneer designs in the soft- ware. The tools in the CAD software were used to design and finalise the digital wax-up (Fig. 13). Next, the digital wax-up was 3-D printed for mock-up creation. A silicone key was prepared from the 3-D printed model. Using the silicon key andthe3MESPEProtemp4TemporisationMaterial, a mock-up was created into the patient’s mouth (Fig.14),withitsfitandfunc- tionality checked. At this point, the patient had the opportunity to experience the design of her new teeth and understand the altered feel and look (Fig. 15). Preparations and temporary veneers After confirming the proper fit, the patient’s teeth wereprepared(Figs.16&17) and the preparations were scanned, again using an in- traoral scanner. Next, tem- porary veneers were created with the same silicon key and 3D ESPE Protemp 4 Temporisation Material. The temporaryveneersweretried on the patient and fixed by spot-etching. 0 I CAD/CAM 1_2016 Fig. 16 Fig. 17 Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 CAD0116_38-41_Linden 21.01.16 11:16 Seite 3 CAD011 dentistry 12016 CAD0116_38-41_Linden 21.01.1611:16 Seite 3 CAD011

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