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implants_international magazine of oral implantology No. 1, 2016

industry  | 371 2016 implants gesic + mouthwash). A thick skin flap is indicated (Fig. 6). The molar sites are indexed and mech- anised osteotomes of increasing diameters are used to widen the sites and the fracture of the sinusal floor (Figs. 7, 8 & 9). A biomaterial is used in order to lift the membrane by condensation (Figs. 10 & 11). The osteotomies must not penetrate the si- nusal cavity and in this case must not exceed 5 mm of insertion. This dimension corresponds to 6 mm measured initially, minus 1 mm for safety. The volume of material inserted depends on the gain that is required, namely for a gain of 4 mm, around 0.5 cc per implant site in this particular case. Implants with dimensions of 4.6/10 mm are inserted at sites 26 and 27, while maintaining the bleeding on contact with the implant (Figs. 12 & 13). Hydrophilia of the implant sur- face must be noted. Fig. 6 Fig. 9 Fig. 12 Fig. 7 Fig. 10 Fig. 13 Fig. 8 Fig. 11 Fig. 6: Open-flap view. Fig. 7: 1st Osteo Safe® insert (diameter 2.0–2.8 mm). Fig. 8: 2nd Osteo Safe® insert (diameter 2.5–3.3 mm). Fig. 9: 3rd Osteo Safe® insert (diameter 3.0–3.9 mm). Fig. 10: Biomaterial filler. Fig. 11: Lifting the membrane by condensation. Fig. 12: Implant placement. Fig. 13: Implant in place. 3712016

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