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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Issue 01/2016

40 Volume 2 | Issue 1/2016 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Tra n s c res ta l s in us floor e le vati o n wi th a so ni c i nstru me nt Transcrestal sinus floor elevation performed twice with collagen sponges and using a sonic instrument Abstract O bj e cti ve The objective of this study was to describe a minimally invasive tran- screstal modified technique for sinus floor elevation performed twice withasonicinstrument(Sonosurgery). Mate r i als and me tho ds Duringthefirstsurgicalstage,asplit-thicknessflapwasdissectedandan osteotomyperformedtoprepareacrestalbonewindowusingasonicsur- gical device.The bonewindowwas subsequentlypushed apicallytoward the sinus and only collagen sponges were compressed into the subantral created space. After four months of healing, a second surgical stage fol- lowed using similar procedures to those used in the first stage, and im- plantsweresubsequentlyplaced. Re su lts Afterthreeyears,fromtheanalysesoftheconebeamcomputedtomog- raphy scans, no marginal loss was found and bone was observed all around the implant surface. No complaints were reported by the pa- tient. At the clinical follow-ups, no clinical signs of periimplant soft- tissue inflammation and no technical complications were noted during thethree-yearperiodofobservation. Co nclu si o n Thetechniqueillustratedinthepresentarticleallowedtheplacementof implantsofproperlengthinawidelypneumatizedsinuswherethebone height of the floor was insufficient for immediate stabilization. After three years of function, neither marginal bone loss nor clinical signs of inflammationwereobserved. Ke y wo rds Sonosurgery, sonic instrument, sinus floor elevation, transcrestal approach, collagen sponge, sinus lift. Ivo Agabiti* & Daniele Botticelli† * Private practice, Pesaro, Italy † Ariminum Research and Dental Education Center, Ariminum Odontologica, Rimini, Italy; Programa Odontológico Internacional, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia Corresponding author: Dr. Ivo Agabiti Viale Napoli, 34 61121 Pesaro PU Italy T +39 0721 400056 How to cite this article: Agabiti I, Botticelli D. Transcrestal sinus floor elevation performed twice with collagen sponges and using a sonic instrument. J Oral Science Rehabilitation. 2016 Mar;2(1):40–7. T +390721400056

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