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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Issue 01/2016

32 Volume 2 | Issue 1/2016 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Rev iew of th e a rteria l anato my i n the ante r i o r mandi ble Review of the arterial vascular anatomy for implant placement in the anterior mandible Abstract O bj e cti ve The placement of implants in the anterior region of the mandible is not free ofrisk and can even sometimes be life-threatening.The aim ofthis article is to review the anatomy of the anterior mandible regarding the placementofimplantsinthisregion. Mate r i als and me tho ds An anatomical study was conducted in cadavers to analyze the various anatomical structures ofthe anterior region ofthe mandible. A literature reviewwasalsoundertaken. Re su lts Thesublingualandsubmentalarteriesarethemainsupplyofthesublin- gualregion.Thesearteriesareusuallylocatedatasafedistancefromthe alveolar ridge, but in cases of severe atrophy or anatomical variations, theremaybeanincreasedriskofdamageduringtheplacementofdental implantsandseriouscomplicationsmayarise. Co nclu si o n The injury of the vessels in the floor of the mouth could lead to severe complications. Implant surgery in the anterior mandible should be plannedwith 3-D radiographic imagingto establish accurate 3-D posi- tioningoftheimplant. Ke y wo rds Anatomy, arteries, mandible, hemorrhage, dental implants. José Carlos Balaguer Marti,* Juan Guarinos,† Pedro Serrano Sánchez,† Amparo Ruiz Torner,* David Peñarrocha Oltra* & Miguel Peñarrocha Diago* * Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain † Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain Corresponding author: Dr. David Peñarrocha Oltra Clínicas odontológicas Gascó Oliag, 1 46021 Valencia Spain T & F +34 963 86 4139 How to cite this article: Balaguer Marti JC, Guarinos J, Serrano Sánchez P, Ruiz Torner A, Peñarrocha Oltra D, Peñarrocha Diago M. Review of the arterial vascular anatomy for implant placement in the anterior mandible. J Oral Science Rehabilitation. 2016 Mar;2(1):32–9. T & F +34963864139

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