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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Issue 01/2016

Volume 2 | Issue 1/2016 25 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Flaple ss so cke t pre se r vati o n pro ce du re healingwasbysecondaryintention,sincenoflap wasraised(Figs. 1–8).Allofthepatientswerein- structed to continue the antibiotic therapy, and 550  mg naproxen sodium tablets were pre- scribed as an anti-inflammatory(b.i.d. as neces- sary). Removable prostheses, if present, were not used for at least three weeks and then ad- justedbeforereuse. The surgical re-entry was performed four months afterthe first-stage surgery. Bone biop- sies were collected and implants (BL CT, Intra- Lock, Boca Raton, Fla., U.S.)were placed(Fig. 9). Of the implants placed, 61% had a diameter of 5 mm and 39% of 4 mm. Adjunctive augmenta- tionproceduresatthetimeofimplantplacement werenecessaryin7%oftheexperimentalsites. Figs. 1 & 2 Fig. 1 Preoperative radiograph. Tooth #25 was to be extracted because of nontreatable root decay. Fig. 2 Example of the probe used for the clinical measurements. Fig. 3 Resin stent positioned on the experimental site in order to standardize the clinical measurements. Fig. 4 Occlusal view of the experimental site showing the preoperative situation. Fig. 5 Post-extraction socket. Fig. 6 Cortico-cancellous porcine bone grafted inside the socket. Fig. 7 Sutures used to stabilize the graft and the collagen membrane. Fig. 8 Occlusal view of the experimental site four months after the ridge preservation procedure. Figs. 3 & 4 Figs. 5 & 6 Figs. 7 & 8 Volume 2 | Issue 1/201625

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