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today Yankee Dental Congress Jan. 29, 2016

By NuSmile Staff n For decades, the most frequently used medicament for pediatric pulp therapy has been formocresol, despite potential safety concerns arising from formaldehyde content. While most pediatric dentists are aware that mineral trioxide aggre- gate (MTA), a bioactive bioceramic that contributes to pulp regeneration and tooth viability, has been proven in numerous clinical studies to have a high success rate, its high cost has made the peace of mind itcan provide simply unaffordable. MTA is a bioactive, non-cytotoxic medicament that is indicated for pul- potomies, pulp-capping and apexifi- cation. MTA does not contain formal- dehyde, and several clinical studies confirm that MTA is at least as effec- tive, if not superior, to formocresol. According to NuSmile, known for its pediatric restorations, the peace of mind for the pediatric dentist to provide a biocompatible yet cost- effective pulp therapy restoration is now within reach because of the company’s recent launch of NuSmile NeoMTA™ . NuSmile NeoMTA is formulated, packaged and priced specifically to meet the needs of pediatric dentists. According to Mark Binford, NuSmile’s senior vice president of new product development: “Most MTAs are messy to work with, with the texture grainy in consistency and hard to place in the pulp chamber. Another big issue with many MTAs is staining, which is even a problem with some white MTAs. Stains can start to show after one to six months, which is something no parent wants to see.” Binford said that NeoMTA is differ- ent. “NuSmile NeoMTA, when mixed, forms a putty that is easy to place and manipulate. Clinicians simply mix the medicament’s ultra-fine pow- der with NeoMTA’s proprietary gel. Achieving the desired consistency requires only altering the powder/ gel ratio.” He continued: “The gel also ena- bles wash-out resistance in less than five minutes. The cement sets more quickly to minimize chair time, which is a big advantage with pedi- atric patients. NuSmile NeoMTA is non-staining; it will not discolor over time.” With NeoMTA, the restoration can be completed as soon as the MTA has been secured in the pulp treatment area using flowable composite or glass ionomer. The company recommends using NuSmile BioCem, a universal bioac- tive cement, but any flowable compos- ite or RMGI will work. Another innovative feature, according to the company, is NuSmile NeoMTA’s cleverly designed desiccant-lined bottle. It protects the powder from moisture and allows the clinician to dispense only what is needed, which further contributes to the medicament’s low cost-per-dose. “NuSmile NeoMTA delivers the peace of mind, efficiency and econ- omy our customers deserve and the healthy outcomes their patients deserve,” Binford said. exhibitors 18 Yankee Dental Congress — January 29, 2016 NeoMTA helps make peace of mind affordable for pediatric dentists Ad Here at Yankee To check out the NuSmile NeoMTA, stop by the booth, No. 1333. 5 NuSmile NeoMTA. (Photo/ Provided by NuSmile)

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