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Lab Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition

lab tribune Dental tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | January-February 2016 4C INLABMCX5.COM Experience new freedom in your lab processes breaking the chains of formerdependencieswithinLabandthenew5axismillingandgrinding unit inLab MC X5. Open for all restoration data, combining the largest material range and the possibility to machine both wet and dry disks and blocks – for no limitations to your production. Enjoy every day. With Sirona. Experience new freedom in your lab processes breaking the chains of formerdependencieswithinLabandthenew5axismillingandgrinding unit inLab MC X5. Open for all restoration data, combining the largest material range and the possibility to machine both wet and dry disks and blocks – for no limitations to your production. Enjoy every day. inLab MC X5: DENTAL LAB FREEDOM OF CHOICE. CEREC Premium SW 4.4: More options for your practice lab by Sirona S irona’s new CEREC Premi- um SW 4.4 now allows den- tists with a practice lab to treat cases that go beyond what could previously be handled chairside. This is now possible due to the extended range of indications, a larger selection of processing tools and the support of the inEos X5 and inEos Blue extraoral scanners. Sirona is now offering even more options for the practice lab with the expanded CAD/CAM software CEREC Premium 4.4. It links the integrated patiento- riented worklow of the CEREC chairside software with the wide range of indications of inLab software. From crowns to bridg- es and other sophisticated res- torations, all work steps can be carried out using just one soft- ware in combination with the versatile CEREC milling units. Patient-oriented worklows The expanded indications allow the practice lab to also construct and produce crown copings, bridge frameworks, bridges with anatomical connectors, bars and telescopes. This means indica- tions previously sent outside the practice can now be performed in the practice. Dentists may use the CEREC Omnicam or CEREC Bluecam for intraoral scanning, but the CEREC Premium SW 4.4 also supports Sirona’s extraoral scanners inEos X5 and inEos Blue, enabling even most com- plex cases. Many new or further developed tools also improve the machin- ing process. By means of the in- novative “Biojaw” algorithm or access to dental tooth databases the dentist receives excellent in- itial proposals. The clinical qual- ity is improved as a result of the higher degree of detail, sharper preparation margins and the ability to create the smallest is- sures during the grinding pro- cess. User friendliness was also increased via new side panels and improved tools. More treatments in less time The new features of CEREC Premium SW 4.4 and the seam- less treatment process ensure shorter, simpler and therefore patientoriented worklows be- cause restorations for a wide range of indications can be pre- pared in one session or on the same day. Like all CEREC soft- ware, CEREC Premium SW 4.4 allows an optimal digital work- low by sending and receiving digital impressions and restora- tion data via the Sirona Connect Portal. The portal forms the link between CEREC and inLab sys- tem components. Sirona Dental GmbH Sirona Straße 1 5071 Wals bei Salzburg, Austria T +43 (0) 662 2450-588 F +43 (0) 662 2450-540 Contact Information T +43 (0) 6622450-588 F +43 (0) 6622450-540

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