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Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Edition No. 1+2, 2016

Dental TribuneAsia Pacific Edition | 1+2/2016 16 TRENDS&APPLICATIONS For the third time, MIS Implants Technologies will be holding its globalconference,from26to29May in Barcelona in Spain. In anticipa- tion of the event, Dental Tribune had the opportunity to speak with Galit Gerstel, Marketing and Branding Manager at MIS, about what attendees can expect and the latest developments in dental im- plantology. Dental Tribune: The second global conference in Cannes in 2013 was attended by over 2,000 participants and was thus considered a great success.What is the current outlook for 2016? Galit Gerstel: The third MIS Im- plants Global Conference will con- tinue its excellent scientific pro- gramme. Combined with exciting social events, it will be a great op- portunity for participants to ex- pandtheirprofessionalknowledge and social network. The conference will be held under thethemeof“360°IMPLANTOLOGY”, which is reflected in the new VCONCEPT. Could you please ex- plainwhysuchaholisticapproachis important in planning and placing dental implants? The novel VCONCEPT by MIS of- fersdentistsinallclinicaldisciplines a simple solution easily achieved using routine protocols, yet with a greater biological advantage: more bone where it matters most. The VCONCEPT stands for a greater vol- ume of soft and hard tissue, vascu- larity and vitality of both existing andnewlyformedbone.Theinnova- tiveV3implantfeaturesatriangular neck, allowing new bone formation and significantly reduced crestal bone compression combined with high primary stability, without compromising the implant dia- meter. State-of-the-art tools and a comprehensive range of prosthetic options,withagoldshadeandacon- sistent concave emergence profile, enhance the excellent surgical re- sults by allowing ultimate soft- tissuemanagementandexceptional treatmentoutcomes. What will the 34 lectures and six workshops focus on? The lectures and sessions will cover a wide range of topics by world-class experts and opinion leaders. The varied programme is divided into three main themes. Thefirstdaywillincludeayoung clinician session, as well as master sessions, focusing on challenging situations in implantology, and various hands-on workshops. The second day will cover differ- ent aspects of the VCONCEPT, from the clinical to the restorative, and will introduce different solutions for various clinical scenarios using the V3 Implant System. Thethirddaywillmainlyaddress digital dentistry and will present clinical controversies in contem- porary implant dentistry. With a dedicated Young Clinician Session, the conference also pro- videsaplatformforyoungclinicians to present clinical cases and tech- niques. In your opinion, do young dentalprofessionalshaveadifferent approach to challenging situations in implantology compared with older generations? The younger generation of den- tists is very interested in new tech- nologies and approaches and is an early adapter of both current pro- tocols and innovative capabilities, which is ideal for a dynamic com- pany like MIS. With this conference, MIS is giv- ing young clinicians an opportu- nity for exposure by presenting theircasesandlearningfrommore experienced clinicians. The number of implants placed worldwide is expected to double over the next five to six years. Con- sequently,education efforts have to double too in order to ensure that dentists are adequately trained in implant placement. How can MIS and the global conference in par- ticular contribute to this? MIS strongly believes that inte- grating implantology skills into dental practices is a necessity and that investments in implant train- ing ensure continued long-term rewards for both doctors and their patients. To fill the gap between theory and practice, and further develop clinicians’ skills, MIS has establishedtheMISTrainingCentre, offering international implantol- ogy courses that allow general dentists, periodontists, prostho- dontists and oral surgeons to gain proficiency in implant dentistry in the company of their peers from around the world. The global con- ference is yet another layer in MIS’s vision of strong educational platformsprovidedtocliniciansin- ternationally by leading specialists in implant dentistry. Three years ago in Cannes in France, a number of social activities,includ- ing a charity bike ride, comple- mentedtheconferenceprogramme. Is there anything similar attendees can look forward to in Barcelona? No experience is complete with- out the social part and the memo- ries we create while having fun. MIS is well known for its unique approachandunforgettableevents, and this conference will be no ex- ception. We cannot reveal all the details just yet, but we promise it will be a blast! Thank you very much for the inter- view. More information about the event can be “This conference is yet another layer in MIS’s vision” An interview with Marketing and Branding Manager at MIS, Galit Gerstel Galit Gerstel INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC CONGRESS FEATURING THE LEADING WORLD SPECIALISTS IN ENDODONTIC The event will take place wLWKLQWKHΖQWHUQDWLRQDO'HQWDO([KLELWLRQ'HQWDO6DORQZKLFKZLOODOORZWKHDWWHQGHHVWRFRPELQHWKHSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQDVFLHQWLȴFHYHQW with visiting the exhibition booths. Within the ENDOPOINT congress program there will be organized practical hands-on courses (pre-congress $SULODQGSRVWFRQJUHVV$SULO$QRɝFLDOJHWWRJHWKHUFORVLQJSDUW\RIWKHFRQJUHVV$SULOIROORZLQJWKHVHFRQGGD\RIWKHVFLHQWLȴFSURJUDP 7KHSDUW\LVEHLQJRUJDQL]HGLQRQHRIWKHPRVWSRSXODUDQGPRGHUQUHVWDXUDQWEDUVRI0RVFRZȊ%DFNVWDJHȋ&URFXV&LW\+DOO (QGRSRLQWSURMHFWFRPPLWHHLVKDSS\WRR΍HURSWLRQDOH[FXUVLRQVWRYLVLWWKHPRVWH[FLWLQJSODFHVRI0RVFRZFLW\ Irina Makeeva 3URI0' 0RVFRZ0HGLFDO8QLYHUVLW\ Pio Bertani 0'''6ΖWDO\ 3UHVLGHQWRI6Ζ( Elio Berutti 0'''6ΖWDO\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI7XULQ John Meechan %'63K'(QJODQG 8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZFDVWOH Arnaldo Castellucci 0'''6ΖWDO\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI)ORUHQFH Damiano Pasqualini 0'''6ΖWDO\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI7XULQ Elisabetta Cotti ''606ΖWDO\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI&DJOLDUL Aviad Tamse '0')Ζ&'ΖVUDHO 8QLYHUVLW\RI7HO$YLY Vittorio Franco 0'''6ΖWDO\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI5RPH Silvio Taschieri 0'''6ΖWDO\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI0LODQ INTERNATIONAL REGISTER ON ENDODONTIC CONGRESS APRIL 18-21, MOSCOW Organizers 6FLHQWLȴF3DUWQHUV Information Support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Ζ' AD “...a great opportunity for participants to expand their professional knowledge...” DTAP0116_16_Galit 12.02.16 13:03 Seite 1 DTAP0116_16_Galit 12.02.1613:03 Seite 1

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