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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition No.1, 2016

36 Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | January-February 2016 cad/cam < Page 34 to anterior porcelain veneers. An occlusal splint was also rec- ommended. Although she was undecided on the treatment modality, the records obtained with Max provided valuable in- formation for the clinician, the patient and third-party insur- ance. If treatment is to proceed, important information on oc- clusion, guidance and aesthetic determinants will be accurately conveyed to the laboratory. Utilisation of the clinical com- ponent of Max provided a very simple approach to capturing the clinical data. The process was straight - forward, the ana- tomical guides proved very use- ful and the record of occlusion provided additional crucial in- formation that is often omitted. There were no software glitches or errors during operation. The patient also found the process extremely quick and comfort- able. Max has several safeguards to guarantee optimisation. There is a sensor to ensure it is prop erly positioned when taking the photograph of the patient. If it is not properly positioned, image capture will not occur. Calibra- tion may be required in order to ensure that the sensor is cor- rectly set. This is achieved by po- sitioning the tablet vertically in the stand and then pressing the “calibrate sensor” button. The sensitivity of the position- ing sensor may also be adjusted with the “adjust sensitivity” but- ton. If the clinician has become frus- trated and must take the image immediately, there is a “force capture” button that will over- ride the sensor and take an im- age. Future development may con- sider the option of saving the im- age in STL format. This would enable various output options and use with other digital image and design software. Conclusion Max provides a novel and inno- vative approach to the mounting of casts using a tablet, reinforc- ing the anatomical and aesthetic considerations when establish- ing a simulated patient case. The accurately mounted tan- gible casts provide substantial information for diagnostic and treatment planning, beneficial to dental students, new gradu- ates and experienced clinicians. Compared with traditional ap- proaches, such as facebow transfer, Max provides an easy, efficient and accurate method for clinical information acqui- sition that has benefits for both the clinician and patient. Its ease of use would perhaps encourage clinicians to consider utilising Max as a vehicle for obtaining crucial clinical data. This would enable greater overall com- munication, improved success in prosthesis fabrication, and a more satisfying experience for the patient and clinician. Editorial note: The list of refer- ences is available from the pub- lisher. Powered obturation with no strings attached. elementsfree is a cord-free innovation with breakthrough technology based on the popular Elements Obturation Unit (EOU). Predictable results Ease of use Intuitive SybronEndo Europe - Basicweg 20, 3821 BR Amersfoort, The Netherlands Tel +31 33 453 61 80 Fax +31 33 453 61 53 Fig. 8. Recording occlusion. Fig. 9. Inputting occlusion. Fig. 10. Mounted case. Dr. Les Kalman is an assistant professor at the Division of Re- storative Dentistry and chair of the Dental Outreach and Com- munity Service programme at the Schulich School of Medi- cine and Dentistry at Western University in London, Canada. About the Author Tel +31334536180 Fax +31334536153

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