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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

55 55 4_2015 implants implants_industry report industry report I its shoulder design and type of connection, which can influence the long-term success of treatment withregardtothemaintenanceofboneandgingi- val tissue. With respect to the design, the implant presents a shoulder with bionic microgrooves for enlargement of the implant surface and reduction of stress peaks in crestal bone. The 45-degree in- ternal connection has an anti-rotational hexagon and platform switching (Fig. 16). In accordance with the clinical case planning, which anticipated a three-month osseointegra- tion period after implantation, the implant con- nection areas were covered with cover screws (Fig. 17). The primary stability of the implants was measuredbyresonancefrequencyanalysis(Osstell ISQ, Osstell). The values obtained were more than acceptable: implant stability quotient (ISQ) values of 71 and 68 (Figs. 18 & 19). In the sequence, fractured tooth 27 was ex- tracted and the surrounding granulation tissue wasremoved(Fig.20),followedbyourclinicalpro- tocol for cystic cavity treatment before immediate post-extraction implantation and/or bone regen- eration. This entailed surgical alveolar cleaning withasalinesolutionandantibiotic(ciprofloxacin; Fig. 21) prior to filling of the cavity with a bovine bone substitute material (BEGO OSS; Fig. 22) hy- drated with a saline solution and blood from the area. The graft area was then covered with a re- sorbable collagen membrane (BEGO Collagen Membrane; Fig. 23). Finally, the operated region was sutured and tooth 24 was restored with a full lithium disilicate ceramic crown (Fig. 24). _Conclusion Asthepresentedcasehasdemonstrated,anim- plant system with a short drilling sequence allows the surgeon to use a simple and ergonomic surgi- cal tray, which facilitates the work of the surgeon and support staff. Using threaded osteotomes, the dentist can place implants in areas with a narrow transverse diameter without bone regeneration. Furthermore,heorshecanimprovebonequalityin thereceivingareaandreducethedrillingsequence in cases of immediate post-extraction implanta- tion._ Fig. 21_Alveolar cleaning with saline solution and antibiotic. Fig. 22_Cavity filling with BEGO OSS. Fig. 23_Graft area covered with a resorbable collagen membrane (BEGO Collagen Membrane). Fig. 24_Sutured operated region and tooth 24 restored with a full lithium disilicate ceramic crown. I 39 implants 3_2014 Fig. 21 Fig. 22 Fig. 23 Fig. 24 Carlos Barrado Médico Estomatólogo Barcelona,Spain Juan M.Ambros Médico Estomatólogo Barcelona,Spain _contact implants

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