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today AEEDC Dubai 2016

business 26 AEEDC Dubai 2016 AEEDC Dubai 2015 VITA ENAMIC® IS absorbs masticatory forces. Resilient. Efficient. Exact. With elasticity similar to dentin, the properties of VITA ENAMIC IS provide effective absorption of masticatory forces. As a result, VITA ENAMIC IS enables implant-supported dental restorations that offer reliable load-bearing capacity. The innovative hybrid ceramic also allows high-precision milling results to be achieved in thin marginal areas. Fast processing is ensured as the super- structure can be seated directly following CAM fabrication and polishing. For more information, visit: 3490E Hybrid ceramic for superstructures with high load-bearing capacity. AD The very first dental implants, placed by the late Prof. Per-Ingvar Brånemark50yearsago,hadparal- lel walls. Those implants stayed firmly in place for the rest of the patient’s life. Half a century later, NobelBiocareaimstocontinuethe evolvement of this straight design withitsNobelParallelConicalCon- nection. According to the company, the new implant combines best-in- class features from the successful Brånemark and NobelSpeedy Groovy parallel-walled implant systemswithanadvancedinternal connection. It is designed for uni- versaluseinallbonequalitiesand for a wide range of indications. With implant sizes ranging from a 3.75mm narrow-platform variant toa5.5mmwide-platformoption,it canbeusedinboththeanteriorand theposteriorregions. Whetheratthebackorthefront of the mouth, the straightforward surgical protocol will be appreci- ated by both experienced clini- cians and those early in their im- plantcareersthroughitsflexibility and shortens treatment time for the benefit of patients, the com- panysaid.Withtheimplantdesign its forms a unique combination in- tended to enable immediate func- tion in cases in which it might oth- erwise be impossible. The thread design and tapered apex of the im- planthelpensureprimarystability by allowing both under-prepara- tionofthesurgicalsiteandbicorti- calanchorage. Osseointegrationduringtheini- tial healing phase is enhanced by Nobel Biocare’s TiUnite surface. In addition, patented grooves are in- tended to encourage new bone for- mationforapredictableend-result. This new evolution of the origi- nalimplantdesignachievesitsfull potential when used together with original Nobel Biocare compo- nents, according to the company. Theimplanthasaninternalconical connection with hexagonal inter- locking for high mechanical strength,makingawiderangeofin- novative restorative options possi- ble, including the NobelProcera ASC (angulated screw channel) Abutment for easier access and in- creased aesthetic possibilities, as well as the NobelProcera FCZ (full- contour zirconia) Implant Crown, whichoffersthestrengthrequired todealwithhighocclusalforcesin theposteriorregion. Among other benefits, these cement-free solutions mean the NobelParallel Conical Connection canachieveoptimisedresultswith- outanyoftherisksassociatedwith excesscement. NOBEL BIOCARE, SWITZERLAND Booth 6D09 NOBELPARALLEL CONICAL CONNECTION Some dentists might feel that hard sensors can be problematic, as the corner of the sensor can hit the front of the palate and consequently cut off the canine and make it difficult to cap- ture the root tips. The lower-priced PSP imaging plates come in larger sizes, providing a greater image area and making the plates easier to position accurately, as they are thinner and moreflexible,justlikefilm. Atthisyear’sAEEDC,digitalimag- ing specialist 3DISC Imaging will be exhibiting its FireCR Dental PSP Reader and its brand-new high-defi- nition intra-oral camera, the Fire- CamHD. TheFireCRDentalPSPReaderen- sures fast and high-quality images and offers dentists a long-term in- vestment with unlimited software upgrades.Itisonlythesizeofashoe- box and supports true-size 4c imag- ing plates, enabling the capture of moreteethandrootsonthesameim- age,avoidinghavingtostitchsmaller imagestogether.Themagnetizedtray ensures a longer image plate life, by keeping the image plate completely flat during readout. It supports net- workandTWAINinterfaces. Thelatestadditionto3DISC’sden- talproductlineisthehigh-definition intra-oral camera FireCam HD. The 5M-pixel image resolution is the highest on the market. The FireCam HD adjusts the image focus and brightnessautomatically,producing thebestimagepossible. 3DISC IMAGING, DENMARK Booth 2F17 UP TO SPEED WITH DIGITAL IMAGING?

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