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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

opinion _ 3-D technology I a whole have decreased in some segments of the population, my patient population exhibit extensive dental and periodontal breakdown necessitating extensive rehabilitation to return them to oral and dental health. Many cases are exacerbated by years of dental neglect and will takethetotalcommitmentofboththepatientand thedentalpractitionerinanyefforttorehabilitate the decimated dentition. I want my patients to receive the best dental care possible and that is why I have invested in the best technology available to aid me in diagnosing and treatment planning while assisting me in providing safety and certainty during surgery. _Why I love cone beam technology What sets my practice apart from my col- leagues’ is my use of GALILEOS CBCT imaging (Sirona). My GALILEOS machine is, in conjunction with my clinical assessment, all that is necessary to evaluate and treatment plan any dentition or edentulous situation. I practice at a higher diag- nostic level, which I use to return my patients to optimal dental health and improve the quality of their lives. With this state-of-the-art 3-D imaging tech- nology I can identify, reveal and propose a treat- ment plan and treat my patients efficiently and effectively. With these images I can see vital anatomical structures without distortions in real dimensions, which improves my diagnostic ability, surgicalplanningandpatientcommunication.Iwill use the results of CBCT imaging to confirm or alter my prescribed treatment. _Digital dental technologies IhaveutilisedGALILEOSCBCTimagingonadaily basis since it arrived in my office in March 2009. A streamlined digital workflow gives me the abil- ity to access my patients’ anatomy, identify vital structures, reveal unseen pathology, analyse bone volume and bone density and place realistic virtual implantsandabutments.TheresultisthatIprovide the optimal treatment plan customised for each patient. Practicing with the benefit of GALILEOS CBCT technology, patients have come to under- standtheirproblemsquicklythankstothedynamic interactionthat3-DimagingandtheGALAXISsoft- ware has afforded me. Do not underestimate this technology as it is an important communication tool which facilitates patient education, improves diagnosis and treatment planning and increases case acceptance. This manuscript will illustrate the distinct ad- vantagesof3-Dimagingversus2-Dimaging.CBCT views allow me to interpret maxillofacial anatomy in a superior approach that is not possible with the 2-D periapical or panoramic radiographs. Patholo- gies are revealed in the three-dimension making a correct diagnosis possible. Better clinical decisions are the result of having a complete set of data in real dimensions available to the practitioner. I would like to show you how I utilize 3-D imaging on my patients to diagnose and treat various conditions that existed. I am al- ways more confident that my definitive diagnosis willbeproperwhenIdiagnosefromaCBCTvolume of data. I 07CAD/CAM 1_2016 Fig. 7 Fig. 5Fig. 4 Fig. 6 CAD0116_06-18_Ramirez 21.01.16 11:02 Seite 2 CAD0116_06-18_Ramirez 21.01.1611:02 Seite 2

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