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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

I opinion _ 3-D technology _3-D digital dentistry and the complete picture We can’t treat what we can’t see. A widely used axiominthedentalimagingindustryhasservedme well for years. Any treatment plan devised must be preceded by a proper diagnosis and 3-D imaging is thefoundationforthatdiagnosis.Thefollowingex- amples I put forth will illustrate how important conebeamcomputedtomography(CBCT)isforthe premier digital dental practice. The knowledge one obtains from a CBCT data set is invaluable when constructing a proper treatment plan. My experience has been that very oftenaperiapicalX-raydoesnotrevealacomplete picture of the patient’s anatomy, and many times vital information can go overlooked and result in an incorrect diagnosis. A fundamental component of my complete dental examination is to utilize the advanced technology of CBCT to enhance my diagnostic ability and become familiar with the completepicture.Iwillreviewclinicalfindings,pe- riodontal charting and a full volume of CBCT data and use my clinical and professional judgment to evaluate and formulate a customised treatment approach to solve or correct the dental problems each patient presents. Unless the patient declines a complete examination or an emergency exists (which requires immediate attention), my experi- ence is that it is optimal to first provide a thorough diagnosis. I marry multiple digital dental technologies— Schick 33 X-rays, Canon 6D digital camera, GALILEOS CBCT 3-D imaging and CEREC CAD/ CAM—to provide a global view of the disease process and understand the maxillofacial ana- tomy and dentition associated with each patient’s conditions. I have incorporated the concept of Co-Diag- nosis, fostering a clinical environment where my patients become part of their own dental care. The patient is responsible for their problems and we are responsible for the diagnosis and removal of disease, replacement of missing teeth, and management of their new teeth or dentition. I obtain a quick, comprehensive scan of the entire oral and maxillofacial region which I will review to customise their diagnosis and virtual treatment plan during their initial visit. Although caries as The 3-D difference: CBCT diagnostics to enhance treatment—Part 1 Author_ Dr Anthony Ramirez, USA 06 I CAD/CAM 1_2016 Fig. 3 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 CAD0116_06-18_Ramirez 21.01.16 11:02 Seite 1 CAD0116_06-18_Ramirez 21.01.1611:02 Seite 1

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