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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

I industry events _ MIS _In anticipation of its global conference, to be held from 26 to 29 May 2016 in Barcelona, dental implants manufacturer MIS Implants Technologies has announced an opportunity for young clinicians to present clin- ical cases and techniques fo- cusing on challenging situations in implantology. The best cases submitted will be presented on the first day of the conference. Clinicians up to the age of 40 may submit their casedocumentationinEnglishviae-mailby15Feb- ruary2016.Allsubmittedcaseswillbereviewedand pre-approved by the conference scientific commit- tee,andthebestcasepresentationswillbeawarded. Thethreebestcasepresentationswillbeawarded withaninvitationtoacoursewitheitherDrEricVan Dooren or Prof. Stefen Koubi, including flight and accommodation. The 2016 MIS Global Conference, subtitled 360° Implantology, aims to expand knowledge and introduce true innovation under the theme of ‘VCONCEPT:Setthevolumeofboneandsofttissue’, andwillincludelectures,clinicalcasepresentations and hands-on workshops. Experienced professionals will explore the VCONCEPT by providing a broad background on the current evidence-based therapeutic trends in implant dentistry and presenting the latest treatment modalities that fulfil MIS’s philosophy of ‘Make it Simple’, particularly the V3 implant system._ MIS Global Conference: Company calls for clinical case submission 52 I CAD/CAM 1_2016 MIS Implants Technologies P.O.Box 7 Bar Lev Industrial Park 20156 Israel CAD/CAM_contact CAD0116_52_Mis 21.01.16 10:55 Seite 1 CAD0116_52_Mis 21.01.1610:55 Seite 1

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