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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

I feature _ interview _What should dental labs look for when consid- eringdigitalsolutions? Matt Roberts: For laboratory owners that are just thinking about getting into the digital CAD/ CAM technologies, there are several things to consider. There are many systems on the market. There are entire complete systems that are very expensive that involve both scanning and milling. OneofthethingsthatIlikeaboutthe3Shapemodel isthattheybuildscannersfromtheentryleveltothe industry’s most sophisticated. Plus their software is compatible with so many other products, so for me, it is a great and broad-based system that addresses all my restorative needs. _Whatshouldalabexpectfromadentalsystem? The three things to expect from your digital dental system would be accuracy of the final prod- uct, predictability or consistency in performance, and ease of the user interface. I think that 3Shape is currently providing all three of these to me in restorations. I use it, in fact, for all of my cases cur- rently. _Was it hard to switch from a manual workflow toadigitalone? As technicians, we fought digital dentistry for a long time. The tools seemed to be counterintuitive in some of the first systems that came on the mar- ket. So going from a manual workflow to a digital workflow required a little different paradigm and thinking. What I like about 3Shape’s system is that the sametoolsthatIwouldnormallyuseinwaxingseem to be in the software. If I want to add to a cusp, it is very easy for me to grab the cusp (in the software) and stretch it. If I want to move the whole crown, Icanmovethewholecrown. Itisjustaveryintuitive interface, which made the transition to digital easy for me. _Isopennessorcompatibilityimportanttoyou? I think that it is necessary for a company like 3Shapetomaintainanopenbusinessmodel.Sothat I can outsource my implant abutments to one lo- cation, my milled disillicate to another location and maybe my wax printing to a third location. Currently, these applications do not all exist under one roof. So having flexibility within the system is necessary. Your dental lab needs CAD/CAM technology or else... Source_ 3Shape 42 I CAD/CAM 1_2016 CAD0116_42-44_Roberts 21.01.16 11:15 Seite 1 CAD0116_42-44_Roberts 21.01.1611:15 Seite 1

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