_Creating final restorations Once the temporary veneers had been success- fully fitted, the final veneers were created from IPS e.max CAD blocks using a milling unit. The restorations were finished by layering ceramics (e.max Ceram) to the labial and incisal parts for maximum aesthetics (Fig. 18). To conclude a successful treatment process, the final restorations were cemented. A photo of the end result was also taken (Figs. 19 & 20). _Conclusion Digital smile designing significantly improves the communication between the patient and the entire treatment team. More predictable results make patients more confident, as they can trust that the outcome will be in accordance with their expectations.Patientsarealsopleasedtobeactively involved in their own treatment and that they are able to take part in the design process right from the start. As a result, patient case acceptance is improved. Digital smile designing provides several benefits compared to the traditional way of smile designing with different wax-ups—it is easier, more comfort- able for the patient and more time-efficient._ Acknowledgment:TheauthorwouldliketothankDrKatja Narva,DDS,PhD,SpecialistinProsthodontics. Utilised equipment and software: Planmeca Romexis SmileDesignsoftware,PlanmecaPlanCADPremiumsoft- ware, Planmeca PlanScan intraoral scanner, Planmeca PlanMill50millingunit. case report _ smile design & CAD/CAM I I 41CAD/CAM 1_2016 Fig. 18 Aki Lindén,CDT has an extensive history in aesthetic dentistry and fixed prosthetics, as he has worked in his own dental laboratory in Helsinki for over 20 years.Lindén is a recognised Opinion Leader for IvoclarVivadent in Finland, for which he regularly serves as an instructor and lecturer.Mr.Lindén is also a member of several aesthetic dentistry societies,such as the ScandinavianAcademy of Esthetic Dentistry (SAED),theAmericanAcademy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD),and the Society for Color andAppearance in Dentistry (SCAD). CAD/CAM_about the author Fig. 20 Fig. 19 CAD0116_38-41_Linden 21.01.16 11:16 Seite 4 CAD0116_38-41_Linden 21.01.1611:16 Seite 4