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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

CAD/CAM 1_201604 I I content _ CAD/CAM I editorial 03 Dear Reader | Magda Wojtkiewicz, Managing Editor I opinion 06 The 3-D difference: CBCT diagnostics to enhance treatment—Part 1 | Dr Anthony Ramirez I case study 20 Thinking backwards—digital workflow using SIMPLANT withASTRATECH Implant System EV | Dr Christian Mertens I case report 24 Immediate screw-retained CAD/CAM provisionalisation with an integrated digital approach | Dr Sepehr Zarrine & Jerome Vaysse 30 Complete reconstruction for a patient with chronic tooth decay—The damage undone | Dr Ara Nazarian 38 Utilising smile design software and CAD/CAM for creating a mock-up and final restorations | Aki Lindén I feature 42 Your dental lab needs CAD/CAM technology or else... | Interview with Matthew Roberts, founder of CMR Dental Laboratory I industry news 46 Straumann Original Quality label: Show that your lab does not compromise on quality and precision! | Straumann 48 CAD/CAM implant bars on demand with NobelProcera Services | Nobel Biocare 50 Schick Dental—innovation and premium products | Schick Dental I industry events 52 MIS Global Conference: Company calls for clinical case submission | MIS 54 Nobel Biocare Global Symposium: Where innovation comes to life | Nobel Biocare I meetings 56 International Events I about the publisher 57 | submission guidelines 58 | imprint Cover image courtesy of Schick Dental ( issn 1616-7390 Vol. 7 • Issue 1/2016 CAD/CAMinternational magazine of digital dentistry 12016 | opinion The 3-D difference: CBCT diagnostics to enhance treatment | case report Immediate screw-retained CAD/CAM provisionalisation with an integrated digital approach | feature Your dental lab needs CAD/CAM technology or else... CAD0116_04_Content 21.01.16 15:09 Seite 1 CAD0116_04_Content 21.01.1615:09 Seite 1

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