case report _ smile design & CAD/CAM I _Digital smile designing During the first patient visit, preoper- ative face photos were taken with a Canon EOS6Dcamera(Fig.1). Twophotosweretaken of the patient—one face photo of a smile (Fig. 2) and one retrac- tor image (Fig. 3). The photos were both carefully taken from the same angle using a camera stand. The distal distance between the maxillary central incisors was measured with a cal- liper for the calibra- tion of the image. Theappropriateshadeforthenewteethwasalsode- termined (BL3—Fig. 4, the third colour from the left). Next, the patient’s smile photo was imported into a smile design software programme. The patient’s facial proportions were analysed— including the smile line, central line and papillary line (Fig. 5) The different treatment possibilities were explained to the patient visually with help of the software’s sil- houettetool(Fig.6).Thepatient was able to take part in the treatment planning process by visually expressing their expectations of the final result (Fig. 7). Ultimately, the decision was made to treat eight anterior maxillary teeth instead of the initially planned six, as the patient’s wide smile revealed more teeth than average. The more comprehensive treatment was also better in line with the patient’s expectation of the result (Fig. 8). To finalise the design, the patient’s retractor image was superimposed on top of the smile image, which enabled viewing andmodifyingthegingival area (Fig. 9). _Creating wax-up A digital impression of the patient’s pre-op den- tition was taken using an I 39CAD/CAM 1_2016 Fig. 6 Fig. 4 Fig. 8 Fig. 5 Fig. 3 CAD0116_38-41_Linden 21.01.16 11:16 Seite 2 CAD0116_38-41_Linden 21.01.1611:16 Seite 2