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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

I case report _ restorative dentistry 36 I CAD/CAM 1_2016 porcelain over a cast metal framework. Pink porcelain waslayeredontoformthegingivalareasaccordingto themarkingsindicatedonthemodelsoftheBioTemps restorations,thusreplacingportionsofthesofttissue as well as the teeth per Dr Misch’s FP3 (Fixed-Pros- thesis-3)principlesofprostheticdesign.6 Becausethe final prostheses were designed using the models fab- ricated from the final crown and bridge impressions, a precise fit over the patient’s custom abutments was ensured(Fig.20). Atthefinaldeliveryappointment,thePFMrestora- tionsweredeliveredoverthecustomabutmentswith- out issue. A panoramic radiograph was taken to con- firm complete seating (Fig. 21). The final prostheses achievedtheexactfit,aestheticsandfunctionthatthe patienthadcometoexpectaftersixweeksofwearing the BioTemps provisionals, which ultimately served as the bases for the final restorations (Figs. 22a–c). The patient was ecstatic with the results, which re- constructed his teeth and gingiva, along with his confidence and quality of life. A nightguard was pro- duced for the patient to mitigate the impact of his parafunctionalhabits(Fig.23). _Conclusion The predictability of implant treatment and the adaptability of restorative materials enable clinicians to provide patients in the most dire of dental circum- stances a complete overhaul, reversing the damage that can result from many years of dental wear and neglect.Thisgoesbeyondtherestorationoforalfunc- tionbypreservingthefacialaestheticsthataresofun- damental to the emotional state and social life of the patient. Provided its life-changing capacity, the fixed full-arch implant restoration should be offered to all patientswhopresentwithuntreatabledentition,with- outprejudgingapatient’ssituationandtheformoftreat- mentthattheywillultimatelyaccept.Astheprecision, cost-effectivenessandprostheticversatilityofimplant therapyexpandseverfurther,sodoesthepatientpop- ulationthatisabletoreceivehigh-qualitytreatment._ Editorial note: Reprinted by permission of ©2015 Glidewell Laboratories, inclusivemagazine.Thedentallabworkinthis case was performed by Glidewell Laboratories. A complete listofreferencesisavailablefromthepublisher. Figs. 22a–22c_Retracted frontal, occlusal maxillary and occlusal mandibular views exhibit the excellent esthetics achieved by the implants and fixed PFM prostheses, reconstructing the patient’s dentition as well as the soft tissue. Fig. 23_The patient was provided with a nightguard to protect his investment against the forces of bruxing. Fig. 22a Fig. 22b Fig. 22c Fig. 23 Dr Ara Nazarian DICOI (Diplomate International Congress of Oral Implantologists) 1857 East Big Beaver Road Troy,Michigan 48083,USA CAD/CAM_contact CAD0116_30-36_Nazarian 21.01.16 10:52 Seite 6 CAD0116_30-36_Nazarian 21.01.1610:52 Seite 6

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