I case report _ restorative dentistry Figs. 1a–c_Retracted frontal, occlusal maxillary and occlusal mandibular views exhibit the non-restorable preoperative state of the patient’s dentition. _When oral health is neglected for extensive periods of time, dental conditions like tooth decay and periodontal disease can advance to a point that, priortotheadventofimplanttherapy,wasconsidered hopeless. If a patient presented with extensive caries and a non-restorable set of dentition, practitioners hadnochoicebuttoextracttheteethandprovidethe patient with a complete denture. Although beneficial to patients as a fundamental replacement of their teeth, many patients have found the fit, comfort and retentionofsuchappliancestobeproblematic.1 With- out any anchorage to hold it in place, the traditional denturehasatendencytomovearoundinthepatient’s mouth, compromising speech and chewing capabili- ties.Thisproblemisexacerbatedbytherecessionofthe edentulous arch that occurs following tooth loss or extraction.Afterdecadesofadvancementsinimplant design, restorative materials, and digital dentistry, we can today provide patients with a higher level of care. Root-form dental implants can be placed predict- ably to hold a full-arch prosthesis in place, providing greatlyimprovedcomfort,function,andqualityoflife comparedtotraditionalcompletedentures.2, 3 Further, osseointegrated implants serve to mitigate bone re- sorption.4 Thismeansthatinadditiontoprovidingthe aesthetics of natural dentition, implant-supported restorationsalsohelptopreservetheedentulousridge andtheessentialsupportitprovidesforthemouthand face. The positive impact this can have on personal confidence, emotional health, and social interactions issubstantial.5 Thus, patients who present with the most acute dental conditions can now be brought back from the brink and become fully restored via implant therapy. If the patient’s teeth have deteriorated to the point where they can no longer be saved, they can be ex- tracted, implants are placed, and a full-arch restora- tion is delivered that closely emulates the form and function of natural dentition. This alternative should bepresentedtoallpatientsforwhomimplanttherapy isindicated,asindividualswhoatfirstmaynotappear to have the means for high-quality treatment may in fact have the wherewithal after being apprised of theiroptions.Additionally,allpatientsshouldbemade fully aware of the long-term costs and benefits of Complete reconstruction for a patient with chronic tooth decay The damage undone Author_Dr Ara Nazarian, USA 30 I CAD/CAM 1_2016 Fig. 1a Fig. 1cFig. 1b CAD0116_30-36_Nazarian 21.01.16 10:51 Seite 1 CAD0116_30-36_Nazarian 21.01.1610:51 Seite 1