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laser – international magazine of laser dentistry No.4, 2015

practice management I what we are looking for, otherwise we might make mistakes that will cost us money and time! Let’s have a look now what does CAPS stand for: – Capacities: The mental and physical abilities re- quired to do the job. How smart and how strong (physicallycapable)mustthesuccessfulapplicant be? – Attitudes: such as customer service, orientation, teamplayer,reliability,honesty,willingnesstofol- low rules, problem-solving, loyalty, safety-con- sciousness, ability to follow through—Imagine having a receptionist who, although she is doing thejobwithoutamistake,complainsaboutevery- thing all the time. Is that a person that you would love to have as part of your team? – Personality: traits such as competitiveness, as- sertiveness, attention to detail and sociability— Alsosearchwhetherthepersonwillmanagehisor her personality to get the job done, since as social scientistsdeclareabout60percentofourperson- ality traits are inherited and most of them are set by age nine. In other words: personality can’t be taught and it doesn’t change much over time. – Skills: Expertise required to do the job—Skills are the easiest job requirements to identify. We could dothatbyaskingthecandidatetoperformcertain tests. For example, if we are trying to find a recep- tionist we could ask her to translate an article, or throughroleplayingtocheckhowsherespondsin certain scenarios. Have always in mind the quote ‘we hire them for the skills but we fire them for their attitudes’! So finally we found our A-star employees and now what do we have to do in order to keep them? The fourth very essential tip of today’s article that I would love to share with you is the different ways that we can use to retain our A-star employees. Apply CLIMB to retain your team! Now let’s explain a little what does exactly the acronym CLIMB stands for: – Challenge:Studieshaveshownthatthemainrea- sonthatouremployeesresignisthattheyaredis- satisfied with their tasks. That’s why we should [PICTURE: ©SUNNY STUDIO]

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