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laser – international magazine of laser dentistry No.4, 2015

I practice management _After the last issue of laser international magazine of laser dentistry, we have begun a new journey with our brand new series ‘’Eleven tips to gain desirable success in our dental clinics’’. In this publication, we are going to continue exploring differ- entparametersthatcanreinforceour successandprofessionaldevelopment asdentalpractitioners.TodayIwillshare with you the knowledge I have gained within the past 25 years of managing and evolving my clinic so you can always be one step ahead and avoid mistakes I have made in the past. The third very important tip that I am going to share with you today in order to be and remain suc- cessful at your clinics is how to regain your power. We learn a lot of things during our studies in the dental schools. We learn how to make the best fill- ings with great contours and biocompatible mate- rials; how to treat a tooth that needs a root canal therapy, but do we really learn anything on how to find the best employee that will make our life and daily routine easier? Firstly we should make a job analysis by listing theCAPSofthecandidate.Ifwedonottakethetime to complete this process, we will not know from the beginningexactlywhatwearelookingatandbythis wewillincreasetheriskofmakingthewrongchoice. If, for example, we go to the supermarket with- outourshoppinglist,whatwillweendupdoing?We will most probably buy unnecessary things or even forget the things that we went in the beginning there for. My point here is that when we decide that we need to hire an employee we should know upfront 32 I laser4_2015 Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic Part II: CAPS & CLIMB Author_Dr Anna Maria Yiannikos, Germany & Cyprus [PICTURE: ©ROST9] [PICTURE: ©HOBBIT]

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