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laser – international magazine of laser dentistry No.4, 2015

I case report Fig. 1_Clinical view of type II DS according to the Newton classification. Fig. 2_Immediately after superficial contaminated layer vaporisation with diode laser. Fig. 3_One day after treatment. _Introduction Denturestomatitis(DS)isoneofthemostcommon orallesionsinpatientswhowearacompleteorpartial removable denture. Very few cases regarding the treatmentofdenturestomatitislesionsbylaserarere- portedintheliterature.Wepresentacaseoftreatment ofDSwithouttheuseofanypharmaceuticalaids. The prevalence of DSis 15% to 70% among pa- tientsusingdentures.1,2 DSisachroniccandidainfec- tion. Thus, Candidaalbicans is the main causative or- ganism. Besides Candida albicans, additional predis- posing factors can play a role in the occurrence and progressionofDS,includingpoororalanddenturehy- giene, continual and overnight wearing of removable dentures,hyposalivation,bacterialandyeastcontam- inationofdenturesurfacesaswellaspoor-fittingden- tures.Allofthementionedfactorsareabletoincrease the ability of Candida albicans to colonise both the denture and the oral mucosal surfaces. Additionally, long-term antibiotic therapy, use of corticosteroids, diabetes, impaired immunity, malignancy, alcohol consumption, trauma, and diet may increase the de- velopmentofDS.3,7 DS is classified in three types (Nyoton classifica- tion): pin-point hyperemic lesions or simple inflam- mation (type I); diffuse erythema or generalised in- flammation (type II) and inflammatory papillary hy- perplasia(typeIII).8,9 TreatmentofDSistraditionallystartedwiththein- troduction of good oral and denture hygiene, correc- tion of ill-fitting denture, discontinuation of noctur- nal denture wearing, usage of topical agents such as nystatinandmiconazoleandfinallyreliningorreplac- ingofthedenture.Systemicantifungalagentssuchas amphotericin B and fluconazole are also effective in casesofrecurrenceandforpatientscontraindicatedto surgery. Surgical treatment of the lesion in cases of typeIIandtypeIIIcanbeappliedintheformofscalpel surgery, electrosurgery and cryosurgery. Recently, laser-assisted photodynamic therapy has been re- ported.10 Vaporisation is ideal for large surface lesions con- fined to the epithelium,11 whereas cryosurgery is an option for the removal of superficial, wide lesions in theoralcavity.Bothlaservaporisationandcryosurgery preclude a histological diagnosis. Therefore, both Denture Stomatitis: Treatment with Diode Laser Author_Dr Maziar Mir, Prof. Norbert Gutknecht, Dr Masoud Mojahedi, Dr Jan Tunér, Prof. Ramin Mosharraf & Dr Masoud Shabani, Germany, Sweden, Iran 10 I laser4_2015 Fig. 1 Fig. 3Fig. 2

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