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implants - international magazine of oral implantology No. 4, 2015

_Pioneers of modern implantology None other than Prof. emeritus Tomas Albrektsson, long-time partner of Per-Ingvar Brånemark, talked abouttheSwedishimplantpioneer’sachievements.Al- ready in 1969, Brånemark introduced his first publica- tiononoralimplantology. However,hisdiscoveryoftheosseousintegrationof titanium implants was dismissed to be a mere myth. Only as special cutting techniques were developed, Brånemark’s osseointegration was proved irrefutably. Justlikeallothermajorscientificachievements,oralim- plantology was established by leading researchers in- dependentlyfromandunknowinglyfromanother. In this regard, Prof. Daniel Buser explained the SchroederConcept,whichwasnamedafterProf.André Schroeder from Switzerland. Schroeder did intensive researchonimplantmaterialsinthelate1960sandde- velopedhollowcylinderimplantsaswellassolidscrews withaplasma-coatedtitaniumsurface(TPS)incloseco- operation with Dr. Fritz Straumann. Schroeder and his colleagues were the first research team to present im- plants which were fully anchored in non-decalcified bonesections.Amongothers,hisworkleadtothefoun- dation of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) in1980. The third pioneer in implantology was acknowl- edged by Prof. Jörg Meyle: The German implantologist Prof. Willi Schulte established the Schulte Concept, which describes the immediate implantation of ce- ramic, polycrystalline aluminium oxide stepped-cylin- der implants (Tübingen Implant). He was able to prove that immediate implantation to the extraction socket canbeasuccessfulanddurableimplanttherapy. _EAO education programme for students Inadditiontoitsactivitiesregardingtheannualcon- gress, the EAO announced the launch of its prestigious andhighlyanticipatedEAOEducationProgrammedur- ingits24th annualmeeting.Theprogrammelaunchesin spring 2016 and offers students the chance to partici- pate in live learning events taught by world-class im- plantologyexpertsatsomeofEurope’smostrenowned universities*, along with a unique online learning plat- form(theEAOClassroom). TheEAOhasalong-standingcommitmenttodental education. Its aim is ‘to improve the quality of patient care by bridging the gap between science and clinical practice’.In2010,theEAOlauncheditsCertificateinIm- plant-based Therapy, which was the first and only Eu- rope-wide standardised assessment of skills and ex- pertise within implant-based therapy. The new Educa- tionProgrammewillcomplementtheCertificationPro- gramme and provide an additional service to EAO membersandthewiderdentalcommunity. Theprogrammeconsistsofsixmodulesatthreelev- els (straightforward, advanced and complex). Each module includes a three-day on-site training element, which combines hands-on sessions, lectures, practical exercisesandlivesurgery.Thebreadthoftrainingmod- ules is much wider than what is offered by existing courses,andwillenablecandidatestogaintherangeof knowledge required to practice at the highest level of implantdentistry. AttendeesattheEAOcongressinStockholm:Inter- views with the organiser of the Education Programme are available. Please contact oliver@publishingbu- or toorganiseaninterview._ *Thesixcentreswherelivelearningeventswilltakeplaceare: UniversityHospital,Malmö,FacultyofOdontology;University MedicalCenterofGroningen,Dept.OralMaxillofacialSurgery; UniversityofZurich,ClinicforFixedandRemovableProstho- donticsandtheUnitforOralImplantology;UniversityHospi- talDüsseldorf,Dept.OralSurgery;ComplutenseUniversityof Madrid, Department of Stomatology III; Lisbon University, SchoolofDentalMedicine. events I Fig. 3_Prof. Dr Daniel Buser from Switzerland was among the Congress’ speakers and honoured the scientific achievements of Swiss Prof. André Schroeder. Fig. 4_ Prof. Jörg Meyle, Germany, spoke about the German implantologist Prof. Willi Schulte. I 47implants4_2015 Fig. 3 Fig. 4

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