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today Greater New York Dental Meeting Nov. 29, 2015

By Harvey S. Shiffman, DDS n Of the commercially avail- able hard- and soft-tissue lasers, the Fotona Lightwalker dual laser wave- lengths of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG have high efficacy and ability for almost unlimited pulse control, and the fol- lowing procedures have been devel- oped to take advantage of these attributes. Along with this increased level of performance comes signifi- cant patient comfort. Snoring affects millions Snoring affects millions of Ameri- cans, and of those, approximately 67 percentmayhavesometypeofsignifi- cant sleep disorder. Dentists are in a great position to help screen and, in many cases, treat these problems with airway manage- ment. Helping patients improve their sleep can profoundly improve their health, their quality of life and the well-being of their loved ones. The “Gold Standard” for the treat- ment of sleep-disordered breathing is the CPAP-type device. Following that, in 1981, was the introduction of Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD). Compliance with both of these treatment modalities shows a reduc- tion over time with no significant side effects. However, NIGHTLASE™ snoring reduction therapy protocol is a unique approach to treatment using the Fotona Lightwalker dental laser with a proprietary protocol and handpiece. NIGHTLASE uses the photother- mal capabilities of the Lightwalker lasertoconvertandinitiatetheforma- tion of new and more elastic collagen. The target mucosal tissues are the oropharynx, soft palate and uvula. The proprietary pulse characteris- tics create non-ablative heat genera- tion that initiates the conversion of existing collagen to more elastic and organized forms and also initiates “neocollagenesis,”thecreationofnew collagen. This process results in a visible elevation of the soft palate and uvula and tightening of the oropharyngeal tissues, resulting in an improvement in the upper airway volume. Alternative to, or co-therapy with, appliance or CPAP device NIGHTLASE therapy is indicated for cases when the patient has been diagnosed with chronic snoring, UARS or mild to moderate sleep apnea and either cannot or chooses not to wear an appliance or CPAP device. It can also be used in co-therapy with those devices and represents a less-invasive alternative to current surgical, chemical or radiosurgical options that may require hospitaliza- tion, general anesthesia or soft-tissue mutilation. NIGHTLASE has an extremely high success rate in producing a posi- tive change in sleep patterns. Research has shown that it can reduce and attenuate snoring and provides an effective non-invasive modality to lessen the effects of obstructive sleep apnea. Not permanent but easy touch up NIGHTLASE therapy is not a perma- nent alteration. It lasts anywhere from six to 12 months; however, according to the company, it can be easily touched up at follow-up appointments. NIGHTLASE is biologi- cally different than other laser proto- cols that have been previously used. The focus with traditional proto- cols was to induce fibrosis and limit tissue mobility, whereas NIGHTLASE is focused on reducing the collapsibil- ity of the upper airway and maintain- ing natural tissue mobility. Cosmetic procedure: Intraoral facial rejuvenation SMOOTHLASE is another ther- mally mediated therapy using the Lightwalker laser. It was developed to be used intraorally for facial reju- venation. Depending on the depth of the ves- tibule, practitioners are able to treat wrinkles, lines and sagging from the infraorbital area to the angle of the mandible. This includes peri-oral ver- tical lip lines and the “disappearing lips” often seen in mature adults. SMOOTHLASE uses a high-tech proprietary handpiece that enables virtually painless therapy requiring no injections or anesthetics. The pro- cedure shows immediate results that continue to improve over the course of treatment and beyond. Compared with chemical and sur- gical alternatives, SMOOTHLASE is an all-natural therapy, with no requirements for injecting toxins or artificial fillers. Using the Lightwalker laser, prac- titioners can now offer patients cos- metic and health improvements that reach beyond restorative and reha- bilitative dentistry. exhibitors10 Greater New York Dental Meeting — Nov. 29, 2015 Silence snoring with ‘NIGHTLASE’ and cutting-edge laser esthetic applications Fotona Lightwalker dual-wavelength laser offers less invasive treatment option Here at the GNYDM Dr. Harvey S. Shiffman will be present- ing these and other cutting-edge laser dentalproceduresfrom2– Additionally, you can visit Fotona in booth No. 3433 in the exhibit hall. 5 The NIGHTLASE snoring-reduction therapy protocol, which uses the Fotona Lightwalker dual wavelength laser, results in a visible elevation of the soft palate and uvula and a tightening of the oropharyngeal tissues. That, in turn, results in an improvement in the upper airway volume. (Photo/Provided by Dr. Harvey S. Shiffman) ‘Using the Lightwalker laser, practitioners can now offer patients cosmetic and health improvements that reach beyond restorative and rehabilitative dentistry.’

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