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Endo Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition

ENDO tribuneDental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | November-December 2015 Contact Information EndoSequence® BC Sealer™ and Root Repair Material (RRM™) By BUSA E ndoSequence BC Sealer and Root Repair Material are redefining the way many specialists approach end- odontic obturation and root re- pair procedures. For years sci- entists and practitioners alike have been in search of the ideal root canal sealing and repair material. Unlike other facets of dentistry, endodontic seal- ing and repair applications de- mand the use of a material that is capable of setting in the pres- ence of moisture and that it is antibacterial while also being highly biocompatible. EndoSe- quence BC Sealer and Root Re- pair Material meet these basic needs and so much more! EndoSequence® BC Sealer™ EndoSequence BC Sealer is a revolutionary premixed root canal sealer which utilizes new bioceramic nanotechnology. Unlike conventional base/cata- lyst sealers, BC Sealer utilizes the moisture naturally present in the dentinal tubules to ini- tiate its setting reaction. The canal should be dried just like you normally would but unlike other sealers the set will not be inhibited by moisture. This highly radiopaque and hydro- philic sealer forms hydroxyap- atite upon setting and chemi- cally bonds to both dentin and to our bioceramic points (En- doSequence BC Points™). BC Sealer is anti-bacterial during setting due to its highly alka- line pH (+12) and unlike tradi- tional sealers; BC Sealer exhib- its absolutely zero shrinkage and is extremely biocompat- ible! BC Sealer can either be sy- ringed directly into the coronal 3rd of the canal or delivered via a hand file or point. BC Sealer can be used with cold or heated methods. However, many spe- cialists have come to the con- clusion that heat is not neces- sary with BC Sealer because of its slight expansion (.03%) and its ability to bond to den- tin. This truly revolutionary sealer has remarkable healing properties and is designed spe- cifically to be non-resorbable. In the event of a slight overfill (puff) an anti-inflammatory reaction will not occur because the sealer is essentially a root repair material with a flowable viscosity. EndoSequence® Root Repair Material (RRM™) EndoSequence® Root Repair Material (RRM™) is available in two specifically formulated consistencies (syringable paste or condensable putty) and con- tains many of the same charac- teristics as BC Sealer. Like BC Sealer the setting reaction of RRM is driven by the moisture naturally present within the dentinal tubules so there is no mixing required. The favorable handling properties, increased strength and shortened set time (~1.5-2 hours) make RRM highly resistant to washout and ideal for all root repair and pulp capping procedures. The putty consistency is ideal for retro- fills, one step apexifications (apical barrier technique), ex- ternal resorptions and pulp capping. The syringable ver- sion is recommended for retro- fills, perfs, internal resorptions and pulp capping. Many spe- cialists employ a retrofill tech- nique which involves syringing some of the flowable RRM into the prep and following it up with pre-formed cones of the RRM Putty. The consistency of RRM Putty is similar to that of Cavit™ and it is extremely resistant to washout making it ideal in difficult fields. The unique properties of RRM Putty allow the practitioner to adjust the consistency to their liking. The more you manipulate the material (via kneading it with a sterile instrument within the jar provided) the more flowable it will become. RRM is antibac- terial (12+ pH) and is extremely biocompatible and osteogenic. Join the thousands of special- ist that have set their spatulas aside and joined the RRM revo- lution! EndoSequence® BC Sealer™ EndoSequence® BC Sealer™ For more information or to or- der contact Brasseler USA: 800- 841-4522 or visit www.brassel- For more information call Bras- selerUSA at 800-841-4522 or visit

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