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cone beam – international magazine of cone beam dentistry

I industry news _ Sirona _The first digital panoramic X-ray machine that Sirona put on the market 20 years ago made percep- tible changes in radiological imaging in dentistry— awayfromfilmsthathadtobedevelopedwithchem- icals and then physically stored, to a fast, more pre- cise method with easy storage function. DigitalX-rays,firstpatentedin1988,becameamar- ketable commodity in 1995. Sirona presented the first panoramic X-ray machine with a digital sensor, the ORTHOPHOSPlusDS,20yearsago.Theultimategoal:top image quality for an even more reliable diagnosis with lower radiation exposure for patients. The workflow withinthepracticewassimultaneouslyimproved.Itwas nolongernecessarytodevelopfilmswithchemicals. Since then, digital imaging has become a fixed componentofadentalpracticeandhasmanyadvan- tages over conventional imaging with X-ray films: timeissavedbecausetheimagesareavailableimme- diately, the images can be processed on a computer andtheimagequalityishigherwithreducedradiation exposure. Today, sensor or scanner systems are usu- allyusedforintraoralimagesinsteadofconventional films. Three-dimensional imaging has become stan- dard, especially for implantology. _Digital imaging constantly improving The latest innovations by Sirona in imaging tech- niques have taken digital imaging to a whole new level. The Direct Conversion Sensor (DCS) is new and ab- solutely unique in this form. It generates electrical sig- nalsdirectlyfromX-rayswithoutthepreviouslyrequired intermediatestageoffirstconvertingthemtolight.The imagedatathisyieldsissignificantlybetterinrelationto theexposuretoradiation.TheDirectConversionSensor generatesextremelysharpX-rayimagesveryefficiently. For one panoramic image the Sharp Layer technol- ogy, which is also new, uses several thousand individ- ualprojectionsthataretakenveryrapidlyfromseveral angles in one rotation and reproduce the individual morphologicalsituationveryprecisely.Theadvantages are excellent panoramic images and the possibility of compensatingforpositioningerrorsretroactively. _The future means integration With respect to the many possibilities for digital imaging diagnostics, there is a clear trend: More and moreprocessesindentalpracticesaredigital.Thenext step here is integration. “Our products can be easily integrated with one another,” says Jörg Haist, Head of ProductManagementImagingSystemsatSirona.“Our SIDEXIS 4 imaging software ensures that panoramic and other X-ray data can not only be processed, but also accessed in the treatment centre, documented in the practice administration, and used with CERE.” Thanks to interfaces that have been implemented, Sirona products will remain open for integration of different imaging systems in the future._ Fig. 1_The beginning of digital panoramic images: ORTHOPHOS Plus DS was launched in 1995 and set new standards for whole-jaw scans. Fig. 2_20 years later: ORTHOPHOS SL (here: 2-D) provides top image quality thanks to the innovative Direct Conversion Sensor technology. 20 years of digital panoramic imaging: Seeing better with modern technology 36 I cone beam4_2015 Sirona Dental GmbH Sirona Straße 1 5071Wals bei Salzburg Austria cone beam_contact Fig. 1 Fig. 2

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