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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

industry news _ Nobel Biocare I changes I make on my surgeries are due to what Tarun has taught me on the restorative side; and conversely, Tarun has changed his treatment plan- ningandprostheticplanningsincehebegangetting involved in surgeries. Dr Tarun Agarwal: What’s more, I now have the confidence to tackle complex cases that I would never have even started in the past. The patient is the real win- ner in our teamwork approach. They are provided with a seam- less treatment experience. Each member of the team is focused on his or her core competency, which leads to better results. I should also mention that practice productivity has stea- dily increased. As our mutual caseload has grown, so have re- ferralsandourreputationwithin the community. It’s like a snow- ball gaining size and momentum going downhill. _Would you say that you each bring different qualities to the partnership? Dr Tarun Agarwal: Without question. Dr Reebye is a dual degree(MDandDMD)boardcer- tifiedOralMaxillofacialSurgeon. Hisexpertiseandknowledgeofsurgeryislightyears aheadofmine.Iamanesthetically-focusedgeneral dentistthathastremendousexperiencewithdigital dentistry. Byeachhavinganopenmindweareabletoblend thedigitaltechnologiesofrestorativedentistryinto the surgical world of complex implant dentistry. Over time, we have learned a great deal from each other, and now have a greater appreciation for the complexities and issues that each other deal with in the treatment process. _Do you ever have a difference of opinion when it comestoplanningthetreatment? Dr Tarun Agarwal: Of course we do! Sometimes wehavetobendonthesurgicalsideandsometimes we have to bend on the restorative side... Dr Uday Reebye: ...and it usually works out that whoever wins the argument has thought through the issue at hand a little longer and harder. Dr Tarun Agarwal: I can give you an example. Uday was hesitant to begin using computer guided implant surgery. Initially, it was slower than the traditional technique he was used to, but for me, it made the restorative component absolutely more predictable and quicker. After our first case, he became aware that the extra 20 to 30 minutes of his time saved the patient multiple visits on the restorative side. Dr Uday Reebye: It was an easy trade-off to make. At the end of the day, we resolve any differencesofopinionguidedbyasingleprinciple— to do what’s in the best interest of the patient. _Is the All-on-4 treatment concept especially appropriateforyourteamapproach? Dr Uday Reebye: Yes, in my eyes, the All-on-4 treatment concept can only be successful as a team effort. It is a beautiful treatment concept that marries surgical and prosthetic philosophies. I have to tell you that teamwork brings a great deal of enjoyment to the clinic. If you are happy when working, patients are happier, assistants are happier, and somehow that brew results in great outcomes. Dr Tarun Agarwal: It really does! In our team approach, the restorative dentist creates the case blueprint, the surgical specialist serves as an engineer—by verifying the blueprint is surgically Dr Uday Reebye (left): ‘As similar as we are, I think we have a completely different approach to problems. The dichotomy in the way we think, I believe, is what provides strength and success. Many times, at the end of arguing about the correct treatment plan, we end up with a beautiful ‘hybrid’ that otherwise would never have been realised.’ I 37CAD/CAM 4_2015 CAD0415_36-38_Nobel 06.11.15 12:02 Seite 2 CAD0415_36-38_Nobel 06.11.1512:02 Seite 2

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