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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

I industry news _ Nobel Biocare _Two doctors in the United States—oneagen- eral dentist, the other an oral surgeon—advocate a team approach to implant dentistry that creates a virtual clinic, consisting of a surgical specialist, an anesthesiologist, a restorative dentist and a dental technician or laboratory. TheNobelBiocareteamaskedDrsTarunAgarwal andUdayReebyeforsomeinsightsaboutteamwork in general and the All-on-4 treatment concept in particular. _Howdidyoubeginworkingtogether? Dr Tarun Agarwal: I first met Uday while he was a medical student at the University of North Carolina. Later, after he completed his oral surgery residency and opened his practice here in North Carolina, I began sending him the surgical cases thatIwasn’tcomfortabletackling.Ourprofessional relationship flourished when Uday encouraged me toparticipateandcollaborateonoursurgicalcases. Hewasveryopentosharingtipsandtricksandeven allowing me to participate in the surgery. Dr Uday Reebye:Atthesametime,Taruntaught me about prosthetic and implant advancements that had a great impact on my work. Dr Tarun Agarwal: It became pretty clear that the cases we did together were the cases that turned out best and went the smoothest. I think it was the strategic collaboration and tak- ing the ‘holistic’ (surgical and restorative)approachtothecase that made the difference. _For you, your dental practices and the patient: What are the main benefits of the team ap- proach? Dr Uday Reebye: Implant dentistry is rapidly evolving and its complexities require solid prosthetic and surgical knowl- edge. Working as a team allows us to make the most of our indi- vidual strengths and expertise. Sharing knowledge is essen- tial for making advances in our field. Many times the biggest 36 I CAD/CAM 4_2015 Teamwork— For predictable outcomes “Working as a team allows us to make the most of our individual strengths and knowledge” DrsUdayReebyeandTarunAgarwal agree that well-organised teamwork is beneficial for the patient and clinician alike. CAD0415_36-38_Nobel 06.11.15 12:02 Seite 1 CAD0415_36-38_Nobel 06.11.1512:02 Seite 1

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