03Dental Tribune Nordic Edition | 3/2015 NORDIC NEWS By DTI COPENHAGEN, Denmark/SKOPJE, Macedonia: Matching the shade of the natural dentition is of great importance for achieving a good aesthetic result in prosthetic recon- structions,especiallyintheanterior region.Althoughvariouscomputer- basedshadedeterminationsystems havebeendevelopedinrecentyears, the use of this new technology has notbeenwidelyevaluatedinclinical settings.Astudyhasnowcompared the reliability of two digital shade measurement solutions with the conventional method for colour assessment,thehumaneye. In the study, researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje compared 3Shape’s TRIOS shade measurementtool,MHT’sSpectro- Shade spectrophotometric com- puter-based system and VITA Zahnfabrik’s VITA Toothguide 3D-MASTER, a conventional colour tab system. According to the researchers, reliable visual shade selection by the human eye can be inconsistent owing to the complexity of tooth colourandexternalfactors,suchas roomlighting,patientclothingand evenmake-up.Inordertocompen- sate for these variables, the shade determination was performed in natural daylight, but away from windows and with no direct light. Lipstick or other factors that may affect colour assessment were re- moved, and patients with brightly coloured clothing were covered with a neutral cloth. Shade determination was tested on 87 teeth in 29 patients between the ages of 22 and 62. In order to validate the various methods, two dentists selected the colour tab they considered to be the best matchforeachtoothandwitheach method. The colour tabs chosen were then evaluated pairwise. Thestudyfoundthatthereliabil- ity of the computer-based systems was higher than that of the con- ventionalvisualsystem.TheTRIOS measurement system achieved the greatest agreement for colour chroma and hue, whereas Spectro- Shade demonstrated the highest agreement for colour value. How- ever, no significant differences were found between the TRIOS tool and the colour tab system and between SpectroShade and the colour tab system. According to the researchers, the results support the use of computer-based scanning and shade measurement systems for dentistry. They concluded that further development of such sys- tems for clinical use could be valuable for material selection and restoration design, particu- larly in aesthetic and restorative dentistry. The study, titled “Effectiveness of shade measurements using a scanning and computer software system:Apilotstudy”,waspublished on 25 April in the International Journal of Oral and Dental Health. 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AD Studycomparesdigitalvs.conventional shade measurement DTNE0315_03_News 02.11.15 10:58 Seite 1 VOCO GmbH · Anton-Flettner-Straße 1-3 · 27472 Cuxhaven · Germany · Tel. +494721719-0 · www.voco.com el. +494721719-0 · wwn · Germany · TTe .voco.comel. +494721719-0 · www DTNE0315_03_News 02.11.1510:58 Seite 1