business06 Swedental Gothenburg 2015 ACTEON, a world leader in dental imaging, officially pres- ents the new PSPIX, the first im- aging plate scanner for the prac- titioner’s personal convenience. Itsrevolutionarysize,designand user friendliness will appeal to all dentists. This affordable scan- ner is aimed at improving effi- ciency and enabling the dentist to be more dedicated to patient care. The advanced technology used in the scanner marks a defining moment in terms of excellence. The new PSPIX is as muchasthreetimessmallerthan other imaging plate scanners, making it the most compact sys- tem on the market. Dentists can now put a PSPIX next to each op- erating chair to improve their workflow and productivity. An exceptionally sharp, high-quality image can be obtained within a few seconds, allowing a clinical diagnosistobemadeveryquickly. Featuring the exclusive Click & Scan concept, the new PSPIX has been designed for multiple use and can be shared by up to tenworkstationsatanyonetime. Finally, the device is the only scanner on the market with op- tional removable parts that can be sterilised in an autoclave to give maximum protection, thus fulfilling even the highest ex- pectations in terms of hygiene. ThenewPSPIXproducesthebest results for every dentist, making it exclusive. ACTEON, FRANCE Booth B10:33 ACTEON INTRODUCES THE FIRST PERSONAL IMAGING PLATE SCANNER, NEW PSPIX The field of digital dentistry is rapidly evolving, with new dental technologies emerging as part of a more efficient and comprehen- sive workflow. Pairing Planmeca CAD/CAM solutions with radi- ographic units in the Planmeca ProMax 3D family allows dental professionals to bring together a wide range of detailed informa- tionfortreatmentplanninganddi- agnostic purposes. This seamless combination of CAD/CAM and CBCT technology presents new possibilities for an improved stan- dard of care for patients, offering severalhigh-qualityspecialistfea- tures—all available through one software interface. Planmeca Romexis is the only dental software platform in the world to combine all imaging and the complete CAD/CAM work- flow. This powerful solution is at the heart of the Planmeca ecosys- tem, as it provides dental profes- sionals with the ability to acquire datasets that are more detailed than ever before. Planmeca Romexis includes advanced toolsforallspecialties,suchas implantplanningandotherre- storative treatments. The soft- ware presents dental clinics with a superior way to im- prove their patient flow and enhance the level of care of- fered. Bringing together CBCT data and CAD/CAM work pro- videsacomprehensivelevelof clarity. Planmeca ProMax 3D imaging units reveal intricate information on soft- and hard- tissue structures, including the mandibular nerve canal, while the Planmeca PlanScan intra-oral scanner captures precise data above the gingival margin. This combination of data ensures a complete understand- ing of any case and renders 3-D prosthetic design quick, accurate and easy. Clinics are able to oper- ate more flexibly, as restorations caneitherbemilledin-housewith the Planmeca PlanMill 40 milling unitoreasilysenttoadentallabo- ratoryinanopenSTLdataformat. A more active role in the man- ufacture of restorations opens up avenues for dental clinics to in- creasetheirpatientvolumesignif- icantly and grow their business. A streamlined digital workflow ensures the full utilisation of re- sources,leadingtoamoreefficient treatmentenvironment.Same-day dentistry is as beneficial for pa- tients as it is for clinics: instead of two visits, patients can be treated in one hour—with no tem- porary crowns or physical dental models required. Standardised data is the driving force behind many of the latest developments in digital dentistry, as it guarantees the interoper- abilityofimagesanddental data across different hard- ware platforms, reducing costs, increasing predicta- bilityandenhancingpatient safety. Bringing Planmeca’s CBCT and CAD/CAM sys- tems together through the Planmeca Romexis soft- ware platform makes effec- tivechairsidedentistryare- ality and presents dentists with anopportunitytogrowtheirprac- tice substantially. PLANMECA, FINLAND PLANMECA ROMEXIS—CAD/CAM AND CBCT IN ONE AD DTNE0315_22_today06_Pr 02.11.15 11:11 Seite 1 DTNE0315_22_today06_Pr 02.11.1511:11 Seite 1