news 03Swedental Gothenburg 2015 Swiss brand CURAPROX is now offering a whitening toothpaste. Ac- tivated carbon gives the toothpaste bothitscolouranditsname:BlackIs White. To maintain good oral health, stains are removed by activated car- bon instead of abrasion or chemical bleaching. Inpursuingitsgoalofeffectiveand atraumatic products, CURAPROX chose activated carbon as the active ingredient for its gentle whitening toothpaste. This ingredient removes stains without abrading the enamel orusingachemicalbleachingagent. Instead,itabsorbsstainparticlesand gently eliminates them. Moreover, thewhiteningeffectofactivatedcar- bon is enhanced by optical means: a blue filter reduces yellow dis- colouration.Thishelpstomaketeeth appear whiter without the use of chemicalagents. As the toothpaste is gentle and contains1,450ppmsodiumfluoride, it can be used as regular toothpaste without any limitations. Sodium flu- orideactsquicklyandcreatesamore neutralenvironment.BlackIsWhite alsocontainsenzymesthatoccurnat- urally in the saliva. These enzymes enhance the saliva’s antibacterial and antiviral functions. In addition, theyprotectagainsttoothdecayand help to combat dry mouth. Another component, nano-hydroxyapatite, aims to protect the teeth. Owing to theclosesimilarityofitsstructureto toothenamel,itservesasaprotective layeronthetooth.Additionally,ithas been found to have a remedial effect on damaged tooth enamel and can evenreverseincipientcaries. Black Is White does not contain triclosan or sodium lauryl sulphate. This surfactant, which is present in almost all toothpastes, dries the mouth and causes damage to themucousmembranes,leavingthe mouth susceptible to aphthous ul- cers.BlackIsWhitehasarefreshing lemon taste and is available in an extra mild flavour under the name WhiteIsBlack. Swiss-owned company Curaden is a pioneering expert in oral health and individual dental prophylaxis, based in Kriens near Lucerne. Its uniquerangeoforalhealthproducts have been created and developed in Switzerland under the brand name CURAPROX since 1972. Together with dental professionals in teach- ing, research and practice, the com- panyintroducesproductsthatserve one purpose only: to keep teeth healthyforalifetime. Today,CURAPROXisrepresented inmorethan60countiesworldwide. In 2013, the company ventured into the Swedish market and began building up distribution channels. Its range of atraumatic and effective products suit a mature oral health market such as that of Sweden, a market looking for non-abrasive toothbrushes, durable interdental brushes and non-staining chlorhexi- dine.Nowtheyareallhere!Theprod- ucts are available for consumers via dental clinics and the CURAPROX online shop. In the near future, the company’s key products will be obtainable from well-stocked and updatedpharmacies. CURAPROX,SWITZERLAND Booth B06:20 I AM EXCLUSIVE Compact design and easy to access: the smallest imaging plate scanner on the market for your personal convenience. Images in seconds: you no longer need to move to another room to scan your images. Featuring an exclusive Click & Scan concept, the new PSPIX is totally intuitive: Make your selection on the large touchscreen, drop in your imaging plate and let the PSPIX do the rest SOPRO a company of ACTEON Group ZAC Athélia IV Avenue des Genévriers 13705 LA CIOTAT cedex FRANCE Tel +33 (0) 442 980 101 Fax +33 (0) 442 717 690 E-mail: B10:33 AD Choose black,get white—The gentle approach to whitening DTNE0315_19_today03_Cura 02.11.15 11:08 Seite 1 Tel +33 (0) 442980101 Fax +33 (0) 442717690 E-mail: DTNE0315_19_today03_Cura 02.11.1511:08 Seite 1