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Dental Tribune Nordic Edition No. 3, 2015

Boastingallofthebenefitsofthe provenProvicolQM,butwitheven greater adhesion and enhanced strength, VOCO’s new tempo- rary luting cement Provicol QM Plus is ideally suited for application in clinical situa- tions requiring particularly high levels of adhesion. The material is indi- cated for the temporary luting of provisional and definitive restorations (crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays), as well as for the tempo- raryobturationofsmallsingle-sur- face cavities. With its increased strength, self-curing Provicol QM Plus is ideal for use in clinical situ- ations that require a particularly strong hold. Whether luting on short or small tooth stumps or if retention between the temporary restoration and the tooth stump is poor, with Provicol QM Plus Provicol QM users can select the ideal luting cement on a case-by-case basis. This is made even easier with the new kit featuring two QuickMix syringes of Provicol QM and a syringe of Provicol QM Plus. Together, these two materials offer users flexibil- ity and security for all types of tempo- rary luting. Its low film thickness, which facilitates precise place- ment at all times, and optimum flowability make the highly ra- diopaque Provicol QM Plus an easy-to-use material, which can be correctly mixed in the QuickMix syringe and applied with pinpoint accuracy. Moreover, it is absolu- tely stable, thus simplifying the precise removal of excess. As with all products in the Provicol range, Provicol QM Plus is eugenol-free and thus has no impact on either the curing or the properties of composite materials used subsequently for per- manent luting. Provicol QM Plus also contains cal- cium hydroxide, promot- ing the formation of sec- ondary dentine and exerting a bacteriostaticeffect,aswellaszinc oxide, known for its antibacterial effect. VOCO,Germany Booth B01:41 Provicol QM Plus,temporary luting cement with even better adhesion LeonardodaVincisaidthatsim- plicity is the ultimate sophistica- tion. When it comes to developing an aesthetic dental composite ma- terial, we tend to overcomplicate things,owingtoconvention,indus- try competitiveness, or errors of observation of natural dentition. However, ultimate simplification is possible if we place such mat- ters aside and start from scratch. Developed by the GC Europe Restorative Advisory Board, Es- sentia brings minimalism to the composite world, with a sim- plified system that enables easy and effective aes- thetic restoration using a very limited number of shades. The complete kit, with just seven shades and four modifiers, represents a paradigm shift in lay- ering composites. The classic con- ceptofacompositematerialwitha great variety of hues and chromas within its range is starting to be- comeobsolete.Thetrendistohave a unique hue but with a large range of chroma options. GC has taken the simplification further to create a new approach with only three dentine and two enamel base shades. In teeth, the base colour (hue, value and chroma) is mainly de- termined by dentine, followed by modulation of value by enamel. Value is also determined by the opacity of a translucent material: opaque materials have a higher value, whereas translucent ma- terials have a lower value. It is known that matching hue and chroma is not as important for a successful restoration as match- ing value. Using the same base opacity for all dentine shades in a system can result in problems, as younger teeth have avery low chroma and high opacity, and older teeth have very high chroma and low opacity. Essentia uses just three dentineshades(light,mediumand dark) with increasing chroma and decreasing opacity in order to match the natural ageing process. Enamels act in a similar man- ner, with whiter and more opaque enamel on young teeth and more translucentandchromaticenamel on older teeth. Essentia uses just two enamel shades, one with a high value (light) and another one with a low value (dark) and a low chroma. Together, these three dentine and two enamel shades produce four basic combinations that can be used as a base for any anterior restoration: Light Dentin with Light Enamel (junior/bleach), Medium Dentin withLightEnamel (young), Medium DentinwithDark Enamel (adult) and Dark Dentin with Dark Enamel (senior). Dark Dentin and Light Enamel can be combined for posterior restorations, enabling a highly chromatic dentine substrate to be modulated by a higher value enamel on the occlusal surface. Some specific situations, such as a discoloured substrate, might require an additional step when layering composites. The system containsahigh-filledopaqueflow- able composite in order to block discolourations with a very thin layer application. For young inci- sorswithastrongopalescenthalo, Essentia provides a special ena- mel shade, optimised for a very natural opalescent effect. For in- trinsic or extrinsic characterisa- tion, such as fissure staining or white spots, Essentia also features threeflowablestains:White,Black, and Dark Red Brown. Finally, to aid further simplifi- cation, one universal shade with an optimised chameleon effect is included in the system too. This material is designed to be used mainly in the posterior region for one-shade restorations. Its prop- erties also make it a good option for heated composite cementation procedures. From a chemical perspective, itisimportanttoobservethatden- tine and enamel shades have dif- ferent compositions. While den- tine shades are optimised for a higher scattering effect mim- icking that of natural dentine, enamel shades are designed for a higher translucency with very highpolishabilityandglossreten- tion. As demonstrated in the case reports, this simplified material achieves clinical outcomes of a high standard, with naturally blending restorations that inte- grate harmoniously in the mouth. This demonstrates that the ulti- mate simplification of composite systems is no longer a future pos- sibility but a present reality. GC NORDIC AB,Sweden Booth C01:22 news02 Swedental Gothenburg 2015 Dr JavierTa- pia Guadix is a member of the GC Eu- ropeRestora- tive Advisory Board. In his private practice in Madrid in Spain, he focuses on restorative dentistry and aesthetics. He can be contacted at Editorial/ DentalTribune AdministrativeOffice InternationalGmbH Holbeinstraße29 04229Leipzig Germany Phone +4934148474-302 Fax +4934148474-173 Internet Publisher TorstenOemus DirectorofFinance andControlling DanWunderlich ManagingEditor KristinHübner ProductManager ClaudiaSalwiczek ProductionExecutive GernotMeyer Production FranziskaDachsel todayappearsduringSwedentalinGothenburg, 12–14November,2015. The magazine and all articles and illustrations therein are protected by copyright. Any utili- sation without prior consent from the editor or publisher is inadmissible and liable to pro- secution. No responsibility shall be assumed for information published about associations, companies and commercial markets. General terms and condi- tions apply, legal venue is Leipzig, Germany. About the Publisher The smart simplification of a composite system Easy and effective aesthetic restoration with GC Essentia.By Dr JavierTapia Guadix,Spain “Essentia uses just three dentine shades with increasing chroma and decreasing opacity in order to match the natural ageing process.” “...a paradigm shift in layering composites.” DTNE0315_17-18_today01-02 02.11.15 11:07 Seite 2 DTNE0315_17-18_today01-0202.11.1511:07 Seite 2

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