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cone beam – international magazine of cone beam dentistry

I case report _ computer-aided implant dentistry mendations (Fig. 18). After removing the guide, pri- marystabilitywascheckedandimprovedifnecessary. The placement heads (Fig. 19) were removed, and the Balance Base abutments were selected according to the gingival thickness at each site (Fig. 20). Compari- son of the previously produced simulation with the panoramic view following implant placement illus- trates the precision of the procedure (Figs. 21 & 22). The temporary prosthesis was made in a conven- tional manner and screwed in place (Fig. 23). The space did not allow for fabrication of a smaller tem- Fig. 25_Transfer posts attached. Fig. 26_Basal view of the impression. Fig. 27_Model with gingival mask. Fig. 28_3-D view of the master cast with gingival mask in ISUS viewer. Figs. 29a & b_Transfer of the aesthetic try-in to the digital view. Fig. 30_Screw accesses displaced in occlusal/palatal direction. 22 I cone beam3_2015 Fig. 25 Fig. 26 Fig. 27 Fig. 28 Fig. 29a Fig. 30Fig. 29b

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