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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Issue 01/2015

08 Volume 1 | Issue 1/2015 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Immediate replacement of failed dental implants owing to periimplantitis Abstract Ob jec tive This work aimed at determining whether immediate implant placement to replace infected implants can be a treatment method forperiimplantitis. Ma teria ls a n d m eth od s Immediatereplacementoffaileddentalimplantsrequiresacon- servative implant extraction technique capable ofpreserving as muchviable soft and hard tissue as possible.An implant extrac- tion kit was employed to extract safely dental implants failed owing to periimplantitis. The explantation socket was curetted and decontaminated before the immediate placement of new implants. The implants were then followed clinically and radi- ographicallytoassesstheirsurvivalrate. Res ults Seven patients were treated to remove nine implants. The failed dental implantswere extracted at atorque of162 ± 41 N cm.The presence of dental plaque and metallic contamination due to surface cleaning was detected under a scanning electron micro- scope.Theimplantswerefollowedfor50 ± 2monthsafterplace- mentand43 ± 3monthsafterloading.Noimplantfailurewasreg- isteredduringthisperiod.Themesialbonelosswas1.0 ± 0.8mm andthedistalbonelosswas1.0 ± 0.8 mm. C on c lus ion The survival ofall implants andthe minimal marginal bone loss would support this procedure for the immediate replacement ofdental implants in sockets affected byperiimplantitis. Keyword s Periimplantitis, implant removal, immediate implant place- ment, implant survival. P eriim pla n titis : I m m edi ate i mplant re place me nt Introduction The high predictability of dental implants makes them the first choice for replacing missing teeth.1–3 This, in addition to the long-term suc- cess ofimplant-supportedfixed prostheses,4 re- sults in the wide acceptance of implant therapy amongthegeneralpopulation. New improvements in clinical protocols can increasethepredictabilityofimplanttherapyfur- therandreducerehabilitationtimeandcost.One such improvement is the graftless rehabilitation of missing teeth. Lazzara et al. have introduced theconceptofimmediateimplantplacementaf- ter tooth extraction.5 This procedure results in a reduction in the number of surgical procedures andinthetimerequiredtocompleteoralrehabil- itation.5, 6 Also, immediate implant placement is one of the surgical procedures by which to achievealveolarridgepreservation.4 Published data document the high success rate of immediate implant placement and sup- portthe predictabilityofthetechnique inthe ab- senceofperiapicallesions.4,7–10 Eveninthepres- ence of periapical infection, recent research has shown that immediate placement of dental im- plants is possible provided there is adequate socket cleaning and decontamination.10–12 In a recent randomized clinical trial, Montoya- Salazar et al. studied the influence of periapical infection on the success rate of immediately placed dental implants after tooth extraction.10 The infected sockets were curetted and decon- taminated before implant placement.10 In the group of infected sockets, all implants placed were successfully osseointegrated and loaded. The three-year survival rate was 94.44% with no significant differences when compared with thenoninfectedsocketgroup.10 Periimplantmucositisandperiimplantitisare inflammatory diseases of bacterial origin, but bone loss only occurs in the case of peri-

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